You What!?!?!

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Pearl was sitting on the beach like all ways but she has stuff on her mind. After Steven has saved her and the others she felt a strange feeling for him. She didn't know what it was because she never felt it before. Sure she did have a crush on him from the start but now it grew stronger. She then said, "Do I love Steven? No it can't be."

"Can't be what?" Asked a voice that came from behind Pearl. She then turned around and saw Steven there.

"Nothing." Pearl quickly responded. "So Steven why are still here?" Pearl asked hoping she can change the conversation.

"Oh, well you see it seems like Dad didn't need any help and everyone is busy so I have nothing to do." Steven replied. "So what are you up too?" Steven asked and sat next to Pearl. Pearl then blushed because Steven looks so cute.

"Well as you see, I do the usual." Pearl responded.

"So you have nothing to do too. Hmm… Oh I know!" Steven said. He then grabbed Pearl's hand and pulled her up. She blushed at the sudden encounter. He said , "Lets train. Just you and me." Pearl then thought,

Just you and me.

She snapped back to reality and nodded. After a while of training they where exhausted. "Aww man I thought I had you this time. Oh well, thanks for the training I'm going to see if dad need a any help. See ya Pearl." Steven grabbed his stuff and started running. Pearl waved good bye and went inside. She went in and flopped on Steven's bed. She kinda snoozed off and hours past by. In her dream was her and Steven under a tree hand in hand. Steven was about to say something until she was rudely woken up by Amethyst.

"Hey Pearl wake up!" Amethyst yelled. Pearl woke up in a startled and accidentally fell of the bed. "Ha!" Amethyst laughed.

"What do you want Amethyst?" Pearl asked.

"Autually is what we want." Garner said.

"Yeah. We want to know why your acting really weird." Amethyst said.

"You have been acting really strange eve since Steven saved us from that ship." Garnet added.

"Can you please don't bring Steven in this?" Pearl asked. The two then looked at Pearl suspiciously.

"Pearl is there something your not telling us?" Garner asked. Pearl then tried to hide but was brought back up by Amethyst.

"Ok, there might be something." Pearl confessed while blushing.

"Then what is it?" Amethyst asked eagerly.

"Well then, but you promise you won't tell Steven." Pearl said sternly. Both nodded at the same time. "Well I have a…" Pearl said.

"You have a what?" Garnet asked.

"I have a crush on…" pearl said again.

"Crush on who?" Amethyst asked.

"I have a crush on Steven." Pearl finally said.

"You What?!?!" Amethyst yelled.

"So it's down this road, I wonder what will happen?" Garnet said.

"Remeber you promised." Pearl said. "But now you know, can you tell me how to confess to Steven about my feelings for him?"

Pearl's Crush (StevenxPearl)Where stories live. Discover now