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III "Beep, beep, beeeep!" Ella wakes with a startle she slept through her first alarm again! Lucky, she set two alarms. What is her mum going to say, "Ella that is the third time in two weeks that you have woken up late, even I can hear your alarm from down here!"

"Come on mum you know I was up late last night studying, can't I sleep in for once!"


I can't believe it, I slept through my alarm again! Mum's angry, but you know, when isn't she? I get up make my bed, get dressed, and walk down the stairs for breakfast. Mum walks past in a hurry, "Ella do you know where I put my keys?"

"Have you checked the key rack," I ask. "Yes," she calls out from her room. Did you leave them in the car? I ask sort of sarcastically because I know she always leaves them in the car. "probably" she calls while running out the door. I'm guessing that Dad is already at work he leaves around 5:30. After breakfast, I wash my bowel and get ready for school week 3 of term 2, year 10.

I make sure that the house is clean and ready for tonight. I lock the door then start walking to Amber's house which is just a few blocks down. After about 3 minutes of walking, I am standing out the front of her house. I message her "Are u up yet? I'm outside". Just as I press send, she comes rushing out the door. "How long have you been waiting?". "Three years" I answer sarcastically. Amber and I have been best friends since we were 5, our parents are friends. We walk down to the bus stop together every day, it's just a few streets from Amber's house.

Once on the bus, we take our usual seats up the front, so we get off first. Once we arrive at school we hug and go our separate ways for homegroup. My first lesson is maths, first lesson on a fucking Monday, I groan. Maths drags on forever. The rest of the day goes so fast. I meet Amber at the front of the school at the end of the day and she walks with me to work. I work at a small cafe on the main street. I go into the back rooms and change into my work uniform.

I do some laps collecting dirty plates and start the dishes. I notice that there are two guys they both look alike I would say, father and son, they are both wearing suits the younger one is really cute, they have been here for almost half an hour and they haven't ordered anything which is weird. They are talking so quietly almost a whisper, while going through papers or something. They keep on crossing things out and re-writing stuff. Like they are planning something?

"Stop staring at the hot guy on table 9" calls Cameron from the counter he's a friend from school. The cute guy looks up at me. I blush and quickly turn back to what I was doing polishing cutlery so embarrassing, but I can't help but take one last look at him before going into the back room to do some stamping.

After my shift, it is 8:30 so it is dark, usually, Cam will drop me home on Mondays but he left early I called Dad, but it went straight to voicemail. so I guess I will start walking home. 

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