First Love

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Their love was first love, meant to be broken but never forgotten.

Jungkook was 17 years old. He was mediocre in his subjects, scoring a B+ or B- for most subjects. Not that he really wanted to ace, though. There was only one thing that he really wanted to do since 4 years old and that was to sing. He spent his time after school and on weekends, listening to songs, recording himself and improvising his tone, pitches and breathing. To put it simply, he was on his way to achieving his dreams.

Jimin was a little different compared to Jungkook. Living life as a careless 18-year-old, he did better than Jungkook in his grades, scoring B+s for most of them and A+s for History and English, the two subjects Jungkook hated the most. During vocal classes, he would be struggling with everything, especially his breathing. He always seemed to be out of breath.

It was the last day of school before summer break and Jimin was devouring on his yogurt. He had a strange liking towards it for some reason. He licked the last of it from his spoon before heading off to the dustbin to dispose it. Along the way, someone pulled him gently by this arm, stopping him. His eyes met with a boy slightly taller than him.

"Hey, you got a little something here," he wiped off the bit of yogurt from the side of Jimin's mouth. Jimin blushed at the actions before muttering a thank you.

"I'm Jungkook, by the way,"

Jungkook. The name that has been mentioned so often along the hallways. He is the guy with the nice voice, Jimin thought. Taking his chance, he asked Jungkook if he could help him improve on his vocals. It was set right there. Everyday, after school, Jungkook and Jimin would find a quiet spot to practice their vocals.

After a few lessons together, Jimin improved a lot in his breathing. Every time he made a mistake, Jungkook would correct him with such patience, Jimin felt so encouraged to do better. On times when Jimin's voice cracked, they would burst out laughing before Jungkook would listen to him repeat the verse and congratulate when he managed to reach the pitch. Despite the fact that they just met days ago, they clicked almost instantly. After working out their vocal cords, they snacked on Jimin's mother's home-baked cookies while telling each other the most random things that come into mind. They shared their thoughts, or rather, debated, on how the government's way of putting heavy subjects on their shoulders will not do any good to them and Jimin's opinion on how skimmed milk tasted better than fresh milk. On one of the days, when they were discussing on their future, they came up with a plan. Jimin was going to wait one year for Jungkook until he graduates so that they can become a duo and release their album together. They became the best of friends. But as always, life has its downfalls.

When Jungkook received the call on his mother's death, he broke down the next second. His mother was suffering from brain cancer and he knew nothing of it. Every night he came home late and saw his mother lying asleep on the sofa with the TV still on, playing a medical program. He would then carry his mother into her room, tuck her in and place a goodnight kiss on her forehead. Why didn't he question himself about the medical programs she had been watching? Why didn't he bother to know why his mother has a whol box full of medicine? If only he knew- if only he bothered to know what was really happening to his mother, he would have had more time to spend with her. Jungkook sank down on his knees beside his mothers grave and felt tears rolling down his cheeks. He felt regret and anger. Why didn't his mother inform him about her cancer? Why am I the only one that has to endure the pain? Where's dad? he thought. He stared at the lily flower in his hands and caressed it. Soft and gentle, just like his mother has been to him ever since young, ever since his father left them for another woman. He placed the petal on his lips and gave it a deep kiss.

"Goodbye, mom," he whispered.

He tried standing but his legs gave up on him. Jimin, who was there, witnessing him the whole time, pulled him up and piggybacked him as he continued crying. Some people stared at them weirdly, but after seeing how broke the innocent boy look, their gazes soften an they looked away.

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