Chapter 17 - Dream

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"The Fall of Joe Biden : The Movie" . . . actually that doesn't found half bad!  The plot would be like, Joe Biden makes shitty decisions on America and America falls apart.  I dunno.


I didn't like the old Chapter 17, it was bad . . .  time to change the storyline!

TimmyInnit's POV   |  (I'll do a short chapter of why and how I got the names "TimmyInnit" & "Timmy . . . ain't it?")

I laid in bed unable to sleep.  I rolled around the bed in boredom from time to time and got nothin'.  I almost fell alseep but I was interrupted by yelling.

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" a voice sounding like Techno screamed.

"N O !" another voice screeched, which sounded like . . . Wilbur's?  What the heck are they doing right now?

I silently grabbed a pillow and threw it over my head, covering my ears to block out the commotion.

"WAIT - I COME IN PEACE!!" Wilbur yelled desperately.


Then it went silent.  Finally! -

wait . . .

I got up and looked around my surroundings.  It was just a grassy hill with flowers blooming beautifully all around me.  This is just what you'll see if you were in a Ghibli movie!  Y'know, that Japanese studio that created Spirited Away, Ponyo, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Monoke . . . (I watch too much anime, help.)

The wind brushed through my blonde hair and the birds flew overhead.  As I was beginning to be in peace, the skies flickered into a dark, cloudy nightmare.  The clouds covered the bright sun and the floweres began to wither away.

I frantically start looking around for the exit to escape this nightmare.  Just then, a man with a mask painted with a smiley face materialized in front of me.  His dark green cloak flowing with the wind behind him, his uncanny smile staring into my face.

"Thomas," the man's deep voice began.  "You fool . . . you think you got away?  Wrong.  Your sadness would soon evolve to something much darker.  Watch your back Thomas or regret being born into this world."

His mask melted away, revealing a horrifying face.  Behind the mask showed my decaying mother.  Nothing behind her eyes . . . no happiness, no hope, nothing was left in her.  I slowly backed away in fear as her flesh from her face started to melt as well.

Her flesh and bones dripped onto the brown dead grass, the green cloak dropping to the ground with a thud.  I started to hyperventilate and sweat in fear after what I've just witnessed with my own eyes.

"Tommy!  Tommy wake up!" a familiar voice called out from the dark skies.  I felt my body violently getting shake and my eyes shot opened, revealing my bedroom.  I shot up from the bed and looked around.

In front of me was a worried Phil.

"Holy shit, what happened Tommy?" Phil asked.  "You were hyperventilating and sweating and stuff!"

"I - It was nothing . . ." I lied, instantly feeling regret rising up in me.  I hung my head low, avoiding the man's eyes.

"Tommy," Phil said.  "Please tell me . . . you can trust me.  I'm not like him."  I knew exactly what he meant by him.  That bloody bastard who dares to call himself my father.

"I saw that bastard," was all I could say, forcing myself to not look at Phil.  "That god damn bastard is still haunting my mind."

Phil was silent, taking this new information in.  Just then, I felt warm arms wrapped around me.

"You're safe my boy," he said softly into my ear.  Tears started to form in my eyes and soon, I couldn't hold it in.  One by one, tears trickled down my cheeks.

"I - I'm sorry," I croaked, starting to sob into the man.  "I'm sorry for making your lives hell."

"You've made my sons' lives better . . . you've made all of our lives better.  You've given us light with your charm, goofiness, and a contagious smile," Phil said.  (Why am I starting to speak poetically this chapter?)

I pulled away from the hug and crashed my head into the pillows.

"When you're ready, you may tell me everything that happened," Phil said, getting up from the bed.  "Good night."

"Good night . . . and thank you . . . for everything," I said, smiling up at him.  He smiled back at me and shut the door to my bedroom, leaving me in silent darkness.

I suddenly broke down into happy tears.

"Thank you for giving me this family . . . whoever you are . . ."


766 words.  Jokes on you Tommy . . . I've gave you everything . . .

I don't know why I gave this chapter a graphic moment.

FUN FACT! : The previous Chapter 17 was about Techno fighting Wilbur.  Haha, wholesome moments . . . now replaced with melting mamas . . . >:)

- June 17th, 2023

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