Part 6

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Later That Afternoon

Paul held your hand in the back seat of the car as his driver rushed through L.A. traffic to get the two of you to the destination. The singer had refused to tell you anything about the trip, only that you needed to wear comfortable clothing and shoes. You laid your head on the singer's shoulders and let out a deep sigh, feeling the singer's lips press against your temple.

"What is it, my pet? Are you already bored with me?" He asked.

"Of course not. I just want to feel closer to you than we are. I don't get why you are pulling away so much." You said with a sigh, looking up at him.

"I promise that it's not you. I just have to prepare myself for the heartache that you will cause. No one ever stays long with me. The vampire thing kinda freaks them out." He said, flashing you a smile.

"I'm not like everybody else. I wish I could show you that," You whispered.

"You are showing me Y/N, most people would have already run for the hills the first time I popped up in their dreams." Paul said with a smirk.

"If you did to them what you did to me in that dreams, I'm surprised they didnt come back for more. You're very talented in that mouth of yours." You said as you touched his lips with your finger.

Paul kissed it gently and then wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to his body. His aromatic scent captivated you and closed your eyes to take in more of him, as the car came to a sudden stop. You looked out the window to see one of the largest malls in California in front of you. The singer hopped out of the car and grabbed his hat, pulling it low over his eyes, before turning back to you.

"What?" He asked as you looked up at him with a smile

"Are you trying to disguise yourself?" You asked, as you adjusted his hat.

"Maybe? Is it so wrong to make you my primary focus and not the fans for once?" Paul said as he took your hand..

You laughed as he pulled you into the building and held on to your hand tightly, as you saw the people already staring at the two of you. The singer lead you to the food court and pulled you to a table at the back of the place. You took a seat and watched as Paul took a seat beside you, still clasping your hand.

"You don't get out often, do you?" You asked, rubbing small circles on top of his hand.

"Nope, the only time I leave is for tours. Though even then I mainly stay in the hotel until sound check." Paul replied..

"How about I treat you to some food and you tell me some more about your past with Gene?" You asked, standing up.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be too much trouble." Paul asked.

You turned and grabbed his face with both of your hands and pressed your lips against his, trying to silence all his worries. He sighed into the kiss and then pushed you away gently, sending you on your way to the many lines in the food court. Your thoughts raced as you tried to think of questions to ask the guitarist about his strange past.

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