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Why did I say yes? Why on earth would I say yes? A celebratory dinner with a boy I barely know, and his family? Why the hell did I say yes?

I'm Gabriella Beauvais. I don't get invited round cute boys' houses.

However, I didn't receive bouquets of roses from them until this afternoon. I didn't have friends this morning, either.

And now, here I stand, where Alfie had stood a mere few hours ago, in front of my mirror.

I had put on a nude swing dress, with black lace embellishments. Black boots were on my feet, and Moroccan style jewellery hung around my neck, dangled from ears, and snakes around my fingers.

I was extremely nervous.

Ten minutes later, I pulled up to the address Alfie had texted me. Oh, that's right, we exchanged numbers.

The house was humble, and it omitted warmth, and cosiness. It wasn't big like ours, and I adored it for that. It was perfect.

I barely made it to the door, before it swung open. There stood a balding and smiling man, with a round belly. He looked cheerful, and had red cheeks. He greeted me a hug, a hug that felt very different to the ones I received from my own parents. It was . . . affectionate. Compassionate.

But how? I'd never met this man before, and he had no reason to be affectionate towards me. Perhaps, this is just how he is. How they all are.

"Wow, you must be Gabriella" he cried, welcoming me into the house. "I'm Franklin, but you can call me Frank."

I smiled at him, nodding. We stood for a little while, until he lead me into the kitchen, where the smell of roasted chicken was wafting in the air.

"This is my wife, Rhonda" he introduced us, as the curly haired woman set down her oven gloves to meet me. She was thin, and gorgeous, like those famous actresses from the seventies. Her hair was curly and jet black, and hung past her neck. She wore little make-up, which I think looked so much more beautiful than if she had caked it on.

"My dear, you look positively wonderful!" she exclaimed, and wrapped her arms around me, in a toasty embrace.

Letting go, and holding me out at arms length, she gazed at me, smiling.

"Nice to meet you" I said, softly.

The pair chuckled.

"Trust us, the pleasure is all ours."

Suddenly, I could hear what I assumed was a herd of elephants, bounding down the stairs. Arguing and disagreements were echoing around the house, as Frank began to chuckle. Rhonda sighed, throwing the tea towel over the drying rack.

"Go wrangle up those boys, would you Frank?" she asked. Her husband did as he was told, even pecking his wife on the cheek.

This family was very peculiar. Or was it just mine?

"Dinner won't be long now, sweetie" Rhonda assured me, as she opened up the oven to bring out the chicken. It smelled delicious. "Hope you have a big appetite."

"Oh, I definitely do now" I blurted out, my eyes bulging at the size of the bird.

Rhonda laughed, and began to dish the food up. I offered her some assistance, but she was persistent that I was the guest.

"You're sweet, Gabriella" she complimented. "And I see why Alfie's taken to you."

Before I could ask her what she meant by that, Alfie and two other boys - both I assumed were his brothers - burst in through the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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