Sage Of The Wind

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"Okay! Let's go!" Tulin shouts as the group gets sent flying into the air as a giant ice like dragon comes out of the ship.

"What is that thing!?" Alexis asks in alarm.

"No idea. But it's harming my home and I won't let it get any further!" Tulin shouts.

"Let's do it then." Link says as the group begins to confront the monster.


"Is it over?" Alexis asks as the group lands on the ship before the storm disappears as a stone flies in front of Tulin as he then touches it before a bright light appears in front of the group.

"Tulin... My brave fledgling..." A voice says.

"I know that voice... It's you! You're the one who's been guiding us?" Tulin asks as the group sees a Rito standing in front of them.

"Yes. I am your ancestor from a long time ago. I proudly served Hyrule's first king. I was a Rito warrior and a sage with control of the wind. Where you go the wind follows... I would expect nothing less of my descendant. You make me proud. That monster you defeat was summoned by the Demon King and was the source of the blizzard. He thought it would prevent you from obtaining my secret stone." The Rito says as the group sees a glowing stone around his ankle.

"Demon King? Secret stone?" Tulin asks confusedly.

"This is a lot to learn all of a sudden I know. But listen while I tell you what happened. And now you know about the Imprisoning War and the mission I accepted on our behalf. You've saved Rito Village but there's more to do. The Demon King will soon recover his strength. Tulin my brave fledgling... You must take my secret stone and honor the Sage of Time's request. Fight the Demon King with Link and his sister Alexis." The Rito says as he tells the group his story before he makes a flash of light as the stone appears in front of Tulin.

"So it's my mission to fight the Demon King with you both? This is so amazing! I can't believe my ancestor gave me such an important mission and it involves fighting with you both to save our world! If we don't do anything then not only will my village be in trouble again but so will the rest of the world. I can't let that happen! I'll do it. I'll happily take the stone and do this! I am the Sage of Wind! Look! Check out what I can do now!" Tulin says as he takes the stone before it wraps around his ankle as he then creates a shadow version of himself as it flies around.

"That's awesome Tulin! You've really earned this. You should be proud." Alexis says happily as Tulin smiles happily at her.

"Oh I am. I got a lot of thanks to give for getting this far. I definitely wouldn't have done it alone so I gotta give props to the people who knocked some sense into me. Link. Hold out your hand. I Tulin the Sage of Wind swear to fight by your side until the end! Take this. It's proof that I'm with you." Tulin says as he holds Link's hand before his body grows green as the glow transfers to Link's hand and disappears into a ring on his finger.

"So cool." Alexis says happily as she looks at Tulin.

"I know right. You can use that to call on my power anytime. Okay. Let's head back and tell my dad!" Tulin says excitedly as Alexis nods in agreement.


"You guys did it!" Harth says as the group is back at the village.

"Yeah! Turns out it was easy once we started working together!" Tulin says happily as he and Alexis laugh.

"This was no small feat." Teba says.

"I still can't believe the Ark from the song was real." Saki says.

"Me either." Tulin says before Teba walks up to him.

"For a job well done Tulin." Teba says as he holds out his bow to Tulin.

"What? But this bow meant so much to you. Now you're giving it to me?" Tulin asks in surprise.

"It was always my intention to give it to you once you became of age as a warrior." Teba says as Tulin hesitantly accepts the bow.

"Dad... Thank you. I'll prove to you I've become a warrior worthy of carrying it." Tulin says as Alexis smiles at him before Link places his hand on her shoulder gesturing for the two of them to leave as she begins to reluctantly follow him down to the bottom of the village entrance.

"Hey! Wait!" A voice shouts revealing to be Tulin as he comes flying over.

"Tulin?" Alexis asks.

"Wait a sec. You're leaving already? You just got here." Tulin says as he lands in front of Alexis.

"I know but my brother says we have other places to check out as well. So..." Alexis says sadly.

"So will I ever see you again?" Tulin asks sadly.

"I don't know." Alexis says as she looks down slightly.

"Well I want to. Just so you know you'll always have a place here in my village. I'm supposed to be Chief one day. I want you to know you're always welcome here and I do want us to see each other again someday no matter what." Tulin says happily as he smiles at Alexis.

"You'd really let me have a place here?" Alexis asks in surprise.

"If you want it." Tulin says as he blushes

"I'd like that Tulin. Thank you." Alexis says as she smiles.

"You're welcome. Good luck." Tulin says as he smiles happily.

"You as well." Alexis says happily.

"I gotta get back now. We'll see each other soon. Don't worry." Tulin says as he smiles before leaving as Alexis smiles watching him leave before running off to catch up to Link.


"What's wrong? You've been awfully quiet since we left the village. You alright?" Link asks as he looks back at Alexis.

"No." Alexis says as she stops.

"Are you feeling sick?" Link asks as he stops.

"No... Link I got something I want to say and as my brother I want you to listen and trust my judgement." Alexis says as Link looks at her.

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