This feeling..

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this is my first story EVER so please if I make this a bad story this forgive me.

(after fight with rengoku)

no one's pov.

akaza was minding his own business until the person he dreaded the most came up to him. "オハヨー、アカザ殿!" (hi akaza-dono) Douma said playfully as always. akaza looked at Douma with hateful eyes as he saw douma touch his arm. "アカザ殿、後で狩りに行きませんか"(akaza-dono why don't we go hunting later?) Akaza already knew that if he were to go hunting with ... HIM ... then he would be forced to eat women. Akaza with all his heart respects women and wouldn't dare to even touch one.
                                 "いいえ"(no) said akaza slicing doumas head off his body brutally before getting his own hand sliced off.
"あかざ。上司を尊重することを忘れないでください" (akaza. remember to respect your superiors.) The almighty uppermoon 1 said. For a strange reason the upper moon felt something he never felt before. He wanted to talk to akaza more then he ever wanted to, he ignored that weird feeling Before running off to his luxurious room with his amazing speed he felt like he had no control over his body so before he knew it he took a glance at akaza and his stomach filled with butterfly's dancing with every step he took.

AKAZA pov:

For some reason kokushibo has been really nice to me. I don't know why he usually gives me a scolding if I ever hurt Douma -? Man maybe they broke up? uggggh sometimes I wish he wasn't with Douma he's so ho-..... Wait. No... I can't like someone who's already in a relationship. That would be bad. I hate Douma but I cant ruin his life!.... Why is life like this?
                     I think I should just go train ... I wonder why daki and her brother isnt back yet? I hope nothing bad happened. I really liked hanging out with them, they don't deserve to die in the hands of filthy humans that do nothing but hurt everyone in their paths. Never mind that I'll just head to my room. I may be a demon but I really have been feeling so tired and I think I deserve a- *UPPER MOON MEETING* oh. nevermind resting then...

弱い悪魔たちよ!私なしでは何もできません!あなたには恐ろしい死に値するだけだ!(you weak ass demons! you can't do anything without me! you deserve nothing but a horrible death! ) said muzan with a ruthless tone knowing he'd scare most of the moon's.
"アカザ君はここに居るよ。泣き女は休んでもいいけど、あかざ" (akaza you stay here. nakime take the rest out but akaza!)
Akaza wondered why  his lord would need him. Until he felt his organs crushing into pieces. He never does anything wrong as he respects muzan more then women and would even hurt one for him. (My au don't forget) but when muzan spoke. He felt a bit of sadness for his favourite uppermoon.. so he decided to only do that for a short amount of time.
akaza accidentally bumped into kokushibo due to being so tired. Feeling his deadly aura he quickly got back on his feet and apologised quickly just so he had enough time to escape if kokushibo WAS mad. instead of being mad kokushibo hugged akaza tightly, making it impossible for the shorter demon to break free from his grip.

Kokushibo  pov.
as I was heading to masters office I noticed that akaza was walking off with out his pink vest..I wonder what happened. I had paid no attention towards it but then the man of my dreams jus- AKAZA bumped into me. He was collapsing.. how'd he get so tired? he got up a bit but I could see he won't be able to head back to his room.
                                                      So I grabbed him. okay maybe I  hugged him, mainly to keep him from falling but also because I wanted to. Then I brought him to his room. Though he kinda tried to punch my head off he couldn't so I decided to just grab his hands. So he chose to kick the air until he got to his room.
          How can someone be so tired yet have so much energy? "アカザ、次にあなたがこのようなことをすることに決めたら、私はそれについて何かをすることに躊躇しません。" (akaza next time that you decide to do something like this i wont hesitate to do something about it.) I said coldly. I must say seeing him shiver is very cute...-?!
"ドーマは何が欲しいの?" I said turning around to see none other then.. Douma. I always hated him but I feel bad for him cause akaza likes everyone but him. He even likes that autistic pot guy more then him..! poor guy.

"こんにちは、こくしぼ殿、お元気ですか?...もしかしてあかざも好きなんですか?だって…私もそうだし…共有するのはあまり好きじゃないから…だから諦めてもいいですか" (hello how are you kokushibo-dono?... do you happen to also like akaza ? because.. i do too.. and i dont really like sharing.. so you mind giving up?) Said the rainbow-eyed uppermoon whilst his smile was fading away ever so slowly. それで、私がやったらどうしますか?あなたは私にドーマを倒すことは決してできないでしょう。(so what if i do? you could never ever beat me douma...) Kokushibo said menacingly making sure that Douma was scared. Though he showed no emotion.
"...黒死牟って知ってますか?私はあなたをたくさん助けることができます、とにかくアカザはあまり好きではありません...必ず彼を狩猟に招待し、彼の前で女性を食べないようにしてください。" (... you know kokushibo? i can help you out alot i dont really like akaza much anyway... make sure to invite him to huntings and make such you DONT eat women Infront of him.)

1053 words!! :)

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