Babysitting A Sick Boss

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The Muto residence was enveloped in a rare moment of tranquility on a weekday afternoon. Yugi Muto sat cross-legged on the couch in his uniform of his grandfather Solomon's cozy living room, engrossed in a broadcasted game of Duel Monsters with the Pharaoh's spirit hovering on the opposing side on the couch. They were both enamored by the battle on TV, occasionally commenting on the duel about the players' duel strategies and sharing a few laughs.

Solomon, seated in his favorite armchair, heard a shrill ringing from his old-fashioned rotary phone and answered the call. Yugi glanced over as his grandfather's expression shifted from mild curiosity to concern, his brow furrowing with each word he heard.

"Is everything alright, Grandpa?" Yugi asked, the Pharaoh also noticing Mr. Muto's call.

Solomon sighed, holding the receiver away from his ear for a moment before responding with a troubled look. "It's Mokuba. He's asking if you could do him a favor and watch over Kaiba for a while."

Yugi's eyes widened in surprise at the mention of Seto Kaiba, the standoffish, cold CEO of Kaiba Corporation. "Kaiba? Why does he need my help?"

"He's come down with a bad cold and has a fever," Solomon explained, his voice tinged with concern. "Mokuba has an important meeting to attend in his place, and Seto refuses to see any doctors, even those on his own staff. Mokuba thought since you and Kaiba are as close as friends as you can get with him, Mokuba thought you could help. He'll be back very late though."

Yugi exchanged a meaningful glance with the Pharaoh residing within the Millennium Puzzle, their shared concern evident. It was rare for Kaiba to show any sign of weakness, much less ask for help.

"Alright, Grandpa. We'll go check on him," Yugi replied decisively, taking the phone from Solomon and dialing Mokuba's number.

After a brief conversation in which he assured Mokuba that they would handle it, Yugi found himself standing outside the towering Kaiba Corporation headquarters with the Pharaoh by his side. The evening sun cast long shadows across the polished marble lobby as they made their way to the private elevator that led to Seto Kaiba's penthouse apartment.

The elevator ascended smoothly, the silence between them filled with unspoken anticipation. Seto Kaiba's home reflected his personality—sleek, minimalist, and immaculately organized. They were greeted by the subdued hum of electronic devices and the faint scent of antiseptic, a stark contrast to the bustling cityscape visible through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Inside the spacious bedroom, Kaiba lay propped up on pillows, his normally sharp eyes dulled by illness. Despite his condition, he appeared determined to maintain control, engrossed in checking emails on his company phone.

"Kaiba, are you sure you should be working in this state?" Yugi inquired cautiously, his concern overriding his usual deference to Kaiba's commanding presence.

"I'm fine," Kaiba retorted curtly, his voice betraying a hint of hoarseness. "I just need to ensure everything is under control while Mokuba handles my responsibilities."

Yugi gently took the phone from Kaiba's grasp, placing it out of reach on the bedside table. "You need to rest, Seto. Let me take care of you."

Kaiba scowled but didn't protest further as Yugi disappeared into the kitchen. After a while later, he returned with a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup, its savory aroma filling the room. Setting it down beside Kaiba, Yugi encouraged him to eat, spoon-feeding him a few reluctant bites until Kaiba finally relented and ate on his own. Kaiba thought it was unnecessary and childish but agreed to it anyway.

The ambiance within Seto Kaiba's penthouse apartment shifted from muted tranquility to one of quiet urgency as Yugi and the Pharaoh witnessed Kaiba succumb to a violent coughing fit.

Seto, usually composed and in control, now lay in bed with his face flushed and his body racked with spasms of coughing. Each cough seemed to shake him to the core, and despite his best efforts to suppress them, they came in relentless waves.

Yugi's heart clenched with concern as he rushed to Kaiba's side, his voice laced with urgency. "Kaiba, you need to take deep breaths. Try to relax."

Kaiba, usually so guarded, now looked vulnerable and frail, his hands clutching the sheets tightly as if seeking an anchor amidst the storm of coughs. His face was contorted with pain, sweat glistening on his forehead.

The Pharaoh's presence surged within Yugi's mind, mirroring his own worry and empathy. Together, they hovered over Kaiba, their shared concern palpable in the charged atmosphere of the room.

"Easy, Kaiba," Yugi murmured soothingly, his hand resting gently on Kaiba's shoulder, offering reassurance through the storm. "Slow breaths. In and out."

Kaiba's coughs gradually subsided into ragged breaths, his body still trembling from the exertion. He looked up at Yugi through weary eyes, a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability etched on his features.

"I... I'm sorry," Kaiba managed hoarsely, his voice barely above a whisper. "I... don't usually..."

Yugi exchanged a bewildered glance with the Pharaoh, both taken aback by Kaiba's uncharacteristic vulnerability. They remained steadfast by his side, offering solace and support until Kaiba finally succumbed to exhaustion and drifted off to sleep, his face softened by the grip of fever and weariness. "It's okay, Kaiba. Just focus on resting now. We're here."

The Pharaoh's presence resonated with Yugi's words, a silent agreement of support and solidarity. They remained by Kaiba's side, as he eventually slipped into a deep sleep, relaxing both human and spirit.

Alone in the aftermath of the coughing fit, Yugi silently resumed his caretaking duties, preparing a fresh glass of water and adjusting Kaiba's pillows for added comfort. His mind raced with a mixture of emotions—concern for Kaiba's well-being, awe at seeing this unexpected vulnerability, and a growing sense of admiration for the strength Kaiba exhibited, even in his weakest moments. The Pharaoh's presence in his mind mirrored his own conflicted emotions—admiration mixed with an unexpected urge to protect their formidable rival.

Mokuba's call broke through his reverie, and Yugi updated him on Seto's condition, carefully omitting the part where Kaiba had pleaded for their company. Mokuba chuckled warmly on the other end of the line.

"You did well, Yugi," Mokuba praised gratefully. "I'll be back soon."

As Yugi hung up, a faint smile tugged at his lips. Despite Kaiba's stoic demeanor, perhaps there was more to him than met the eye.

Just as he turned to check on Kaiba one last time, a sudden sneeze escaped Yugi's lips. He hoped fervently that it was merely a reaction to the abrupt change in temperature and not an ominous sign of catching Kaiba's cold.

Babysitting A Sick Boss (A Yu-Gi-Oh! DM Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now