chapter three: geology rocks

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"Hello, class, this year we will start the year with geology," Mister Morris said, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. "So find a spot and a paper, because it's note-taking time!!" He smiled and pulled out a box filled with all sorts of gems and rocks.

"Wow, that was quick," Jay muttered. Mister Morris adjusted the camera so we could see the rocks better, the image projecting onto the smartboard, the few scattered dead pixels of which making it appear to be stars. "We literally just got here, like, today." I laughed.

"Hey, that just means we won't have to spend another period doing icebreakers."

"Today, class, we will be researching ice." Morris said, silencing all of us. "These rocks are shells of ancient ice, known as fossils. Who knows what fossils are?"

"I know a fossil. His name is Sensei Wu." I mumbled. Jay laughed loudly, drawing all the attention to us. I coughed.

"Do you know what a fossil is, Jay?" Morris asked, peering at us. "I'm sure you do, given how loudly you laughed at Kai's snide." Jay looked down.

"It's a remnant of a creature that lived a really long time ago," he said. "Or a thing that was embedded in the rock that left an imprint when it disintegrated. Like bones and leaves and bugs."

"Very good, but you're missing something. Has anybody here heard of a 'water fossil?'"

Morris then proceeded to go on a tangent about water fossils and their importance in determining the age of the earth and historical significance and all that.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was a fossil himself," Jay whispered. "Given how much he seems to enjoy them."

"...And now that you know a bit more about water fossils, who wants to volunteer to help me identify this specimen?" Morris said, holding a large gray stone, split in half by glass, and I could see a small collection of dust at the bottom of a crack.

Nobody raised their hands, except for one kid at the front of the class.

"I'll help you, Mister Morris!" She yelled happily. Jay rolled his eyes, and so did I. Who enjoys science that much?? Especially rocks. I mean, geology rocks, don't get me wrong, but being that enthusiastic about a pile of sand seems odd to me.

"Thank you, Annabelle," the teacher said. "That's very kind of you." He gestured for her to join him at the desk, and she immediately began studying the sample.

"The color of the dirt indicates it's been under very high pressure, and the texture seems to indicate it hasn't been exposed to oxygen for millions of years. This sample appears to have been formed in a glacier, so all that information places the sample's origin to be around four million years ago. That is perfectly during the first ice age, which means..." Annabelle continued droning on, and on, and on, until the bell finally interrupted her and everyone bolted out of the classroom.

"Oh, thank God!" I said to Jay as we went for snack break. "That was exhausting." He laughed and stopped at his locker for a second.

"I know, right? Insane. Who even likes rock that much?!" I tilted my head.

"Well, rock music is pretty good," I said. "But rocks? Ridiculous."

"I know right." Jay said, and then jumped. "AUGH!" He turned around, and so did I, to see Cole having jabbed his fingers into Jay's waist. In my old town, we called that tasering and it could get you in a lot of trouble. He laughed and brought his fingers back into fists.

"That was hilarious. Hey, kid, who's this guy?" He said, gesturing to me.

"I'm Kai," I said. "I'm in Jay's homeroom and science class." And hopefully many more, I think to myself but do not say.

"That's cute." Cole teased, making a little heart with his fingers; "And lemme guess, you guys are besties now?"

"Cole, stop." Jay said, jabbing Cole. "We're friends. We literally just met." He laughed and walked away with Cole, leaving me alone at Jay's locker. I sighed, in both disappointment and relief, and went back to my own locker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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