Part 1: Prologue

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Looking around the empty apartment, I can't help but feel a little sad. This is where my life as an adult started. I moved here when I was eighteen in an attempt to make something of myself and be an independent adult. It wasn't easy. The past six years have had their ups and downs but I always managed to push through my struggles on my own.

Letting out a sigh, I toss the keys on the counter and grab the trash bag sitting on the floor. I turn off the lights and make my way out of the apartment. After tossing the bag into the dumpster, I pull out my phone to check to see how far away my driver is. Fortunately the driver pulls up at that exact moment. "Good morning. Are you Miss Ortiz?"

I nod. "Yes, sir. Let me just grab my bags."

He follows me to the entrance of my apartment building where I grab my small duffel bag and he picks up the matching suitcase. As we head to the airport, I watch the only city I've ever called home pass by me. This move will be good. Things can only go up from here. Maybe I'll meet someone new -

My heart constricts at the thought and I force myself to stop thinking about moving on so soon. William and I have only been broken up for two months now and I'd be lying if I said I was over it. We were together for two years. It started out great. He was everything I had ever imagined. Perfect in my eyes. We moved in together rather quickly and fell into a comfortable routine. After a year, everything changed. His demeanor for me changed and it seemed like he resented me for something. I didn't understand. I still don't. It started with simple fights but they quickly began to escalate into something worse. Screaming, bruises, cuts. Then he'd give me an ounce of love to string me along.

Then two months ago he said he didn't love me anymore, packed his bags and left. I was crushed. After everything I dealt with, he leaves me. Now I can't imagine giving anyone else the power to hurt me like that again. Our breakup may have caused me to make some impulsive decisions, but I think the decision to move was from the heart. It has always been on my bucket list - our breakup just pushed me to finally do it.

My train of thought is interrupted once again when I see the small airport come into view. My stomach churns slightly. It's my first time on a plane and my nerves are getting the best of me. The car stops at the entrance and the driver gets out to help me with my luggage. "Thank you," I say with a polite smile, passing him cash for a tip.

"You're welcome. Safe travels."

I walk into the airport and take a look around. There's only about twenty people in the small building. I head to the desk where I check my bags and the woman hands me my boarding pass. "Head through TSA then take a seat near the door. The pilot will come get you when they are ready to board. Safe travels," she says with a smile.

"Thank you," I say with a nervous smile.

TSA is a breeze with it being such a small airport. I take a seat near the big window that overlooks the tarmac where I see a small plane sitting. This is the little plane that will take me to the big airport. From there, I'll get on a normal sized plane that will take me to my final destination. I see a pilot walking inside and double check the time to see if it's already time to go. Departure time is in forty-five minutes but I've heard that sometimes flights can depart early if all passengers are present. He enters the building and points at me and someone sitting across from me that I hadn't paid any attention to until now. "Are you my two passengers for my twelve o'clock to Tampa?"

I nod and glance at the man sitting across from me. Oh my. He's a panty dropper for sure. His green eyes stare back at me as he gently rubs his chin, appearing to be deep in thought. He's wearing a perfectly fitted suit. My eyes follow his perfectly chiseled jawline down to his fingers, then up to his pink lips. His tongue darts out, gently licking his lips and my breathing catches for a moment. "Perfect," the flight attendant says, interrupting my dirty thoughts. "We're refueling now and will get you two boarded in about twenty minutes. Your bags are being loaded now. I'll be back to get you two soon."

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