Unusual Footprints and Meeting Toby

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Back at Baker Street

Both Olivia and Audrey finished telling Basil their story, who's taken the case while enjoying a pipe. "This case is most intriguing with its multiplicity of elements…its many twists and turns" Basil says and then he turns to the girls and asked "Now, you're certain you two have told me everything? The slightest detail may be important" and Audrey nods while Olivia says "It's just as we said. And then my father was gone".

Then Dawson asked "What do you make of it?" and Basil begins to pace as Olivia follows him while he says "Hmm. Ratigan's up to something. A crime of the most sinister nature no doubt. The question is…what would he want with a toy maker?" and he walks somewhere else and while Audrey was thinking as well trying to solve the puzzle pieces together and Olivia had stopped by the window, Fidget pops down from above as lightning strikes and Olivia saw him and screamed "Aaaaaaah!" and this caused both Basil and Audrey to whip around and saw Fidget as he fell down.

"Quickly, Audrey, Dawson! We've not a moment to lose!" Basil exclaimed as he opened the door and runs out. "I'm coming!" Audrey shouted back and quickly bents down to Olivia's level and says "Stay here sweetie" and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead before running after Basil and then Dawson called out "Uh, uh I'm right behind you, Basil!" and the three grown ups rushed outside, but Fidget was already gone. Audrey growled in anger at this and said "He got away!" and then Dawson says "No sign of the blackguard anywhere" and while Basil looks around and then looks down as he says "Not quite, Dawson" and kneels down to look at the sidewalk, where Fidget has left behind his muddy footprints as he adds "He left some rather unusual footprints. They obviously belong to the same fiend who abducted the girl's father - Ratigan's peg-legged lackey".

While both Basil and Dawson looked at the muddy footprints Audrey looks around and then noticed something on the ground and walks up to it and realized it was a hat. "Uh…Basil? I think I found something" Audrey said as she looks at it and then shows Basil, he looks up and while smiling widely in delight he grabs the hat and exclaimed "Ah-ha! Excellent work, Miss Willow. Ha, ha, ha!" and then he suddenly hugs her before rushing back into the house.

Audrey blushed a little at the fact that Basil hugged her and shakes her head and quickly heads back to the house, following after Dawson. Standing in the doorway are both Olivia and Mrs. Judson, who is comforting the young girl as she says "Now… there's nothing to be afraid of, my dear" and then an excited Basil rushes by and Mrs. Judson pulls Olivia back, glaring at Basil for his insensitivity and both Dawson and Audrey enters from behind him and Dawson says to Olivia "The scoundrel's quite gone" and Basil takes off his robe as he says "Ha-ha! But not for long, Miss Flamhammer" and this made both Olivia and Audrey said in exasperated, correcting him "Flaversham!".

"Whatever. Now, we simply pursue our peg-legged friend until he leads us to the girl's father" Basil said as he throws off his robe and puts on a brown jacket for his detective work. "Then you'll get my daddy back?" Olivia asked and she rushes over and hugs Basil tightly, making Audrey smiled softly at this.

"Yes!" Basil says and he pushes Olivia down and pulls his legs free from her grasp and adds "And quite soon, if I'm not mistaken" and Audrey walked over to him and says "Thank you so much Mr. Basil, you have no idea how much I appreciate this" and then leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, making Olivia giggled at this. Audrey stepped back as she and Basil were both surprised and flustered after what she did and then Audrey starts to say while clearing her throat "Um, sorry if I overstep some boundaries..." and Basil shook his head and replied while stammering "No, no. It's....it's uh...quite alright" as he and Audrey both continued staring at each other for a few moments. Finally, Basil regained his composer and says "Now, um, hurry along, Dawson. We must be off to…Toby's" as he retrieves an Inverness cape from a suit of armor and puts it on. "Toby's?" Dawson asked in confusion and Basil says "Oh, you must meet him. He's just the chap for this" as he puts on a deerstalker cap.

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