I wake up with a pain that lingers throughout my body, my eyes droopy.. I look around me and realize we're not in the same place we were before. I look next to me is Bella, next to Bella is Emily, then next to Emily is Madison. They all look of pain and are not yet awake. I look around the room and then look at my arms there purple and blue, completely bruised. My body is bruised in many spots. I then realize I'm not strapped down anymore, I'm just sitting in a chair... I then get up and try to wake up Bella...
I feel something grabbing me and shaking me, as if I was dead or something. I wake up to Kasey shaking me, I wince in pain. I open my eyes and see all the bruises on our bodies. I look around and there is Emily and Madison both there bodies are just as bruised as me and Kasey. I look down and I'm not strapped down neither is anyone else. I get up, almost falling.. me and Kasey go wake up Madison and Emily.
I wake up to Kasey and Bella shaking me rapidly. I cry in pain to see were all covered in blood and bruises. I'm not strapped down so I get up, I then fall.. my legs aren't as strong as they were before. I help wake up Madison, knowing we have to figure something out because we aren't trapped anymore.. at least I hope so..
I awaken to Emily, Kasey, and Bella all coming towards me.. I start to scream assuming they were gonna attack me. They stop and look at me like I'm crazy. I stop screaming and began to speak "what's going on?" I say in a shaky voice. Emily replies "we got dumped her" she seems so angry. Bella grabs her arm "stop being so angry, it won't solve anything" Emily began to calm down. I reply "why don't we look around to see what we can find."
Kasey sits down and begans to cry, "what's your problem?" Emily replies, Bella strikes back "STOP being so mean to her!! It's not gonna solve anything! He's probably watching us all!" I look at them blankly "please can we just look around?!" They all turn and look at me.. Bella replies "fine, come one girls let's look around.. we will split up, me and Kasey will go together and Madison, you go with Emily.
I grab kaseys arm and start walking down a long dark path, no lights to be found anywhere. I tried looking but there was completely nothing and it was much to dark to see anyhow. Then I hear laughter, not a cute laughter but a sinister laughter rising in the hall. The next thing I know is Kasey isn't behind me any more. I scream "Kasey! Where are you?!" Another laugh fills the room.. I began running down the hall falling and pass out.
Me and Madison began walking down the hall, it's super creepy but I don't say anything because I don't want to freak myself out. Madison stops, looking around.. I stop for a moment then continue leaving Madison.
I then hear a scream come from Madison. I try to run but I'm stuck. I then get hit and fall instantly passing out.MADISON"S POV
I was in a dark room, that smelled of old paint.. I sit up and realize I'm not in the same place I was when I was with Emily. It's much different but feels familiar. I then notice this room is from a nightmare I've had before. I start to slowly stand up.. I run to a wall hitting it really hard and began screaming "LET ME OUT!!!!".. No answer, I began crying knowing I am trapped once again.