30 1 14

The Room

I walked through the hallway and noticed people running past me. One of them ran into me and shoved my shoulder to get by. "Jesus." I said, looking back at them and shooting a dirty look. A brown haired boy with puppy dog eyes and an Aussie accent came up to me. Oh god, one of Taehyuns friends.

"Dude they posted the room assignments." The boy said.

"Got it. thanks Jake." I said annoyingly.

He walked off after hearing me say that. I swear I don't mean to come off rude. If i didn't mention it already, I hate gays. Most of Taehyuns friends are gay. Including that boy.

I walk to the room assignments paper in the middle of the hallway and begin scanning for my name. God it's so hard to focus with these people yelling. I finally find my name. I trace my finger over to the name next to mine.

You have got to be kidding me.

Of course Taehyuns my roommate. Why wouldn't he be? With my luck, I somehow managed to get stuck with the gayest guy in school as a roommate. Its bad enough that i have to see him in the hallway.

- A little backstory-

A/N : Read the prologue. It'll make more sense.

Taehyun and I were pretty good friends back in middle school. We would hang out every single day after school. We would play games, talk for hours, and he was always there for me.

Though I never told him about my childhood, he never seemed to question it.

It had been a couple of months since we became friends when he told me about this crush that he had. "Who?" I asked. When he told me, my eyes widened and I stood up.

"SEUNGMIN??" I yelled.

He stood up quickly and covered my mouth.

"Yes, now be quiet." He laughed.

My heart dropped. I never knew he was gay.

This simple fact changed our friendship so much.

After finding that out I just stopped talking to him, and never told him why to this day.


I went to collect the room key so that i could finally rest.

I walked off with my room key in hand and began looking for my dorm.

I looked up at the numbers above the door : 934

I sigh. "Well here goes nothing i guess."

I stuck my key in the door and turned the handle, opening it.

A wonderful smell immediately filled my nostrils. Vanilla. I looked around trying to find what is producing the smell.

That's when he walked out of the bathroom, with nothing covering him up.

He was totally butt naked.

I turned around swiftly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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