day twenty-three

254 17 2

chompers seen: somewhere around five hundred and fifty

chompers killed: 0

near-death experiences: 4

human deaths witnessed: 3         

friends left behind: 4

camps infiltrated: 1

dead friends: 1

Although no one would admit it, we were completely and totally lost.

We'd stayed at the thrift store for a few days, until we completely ran out of water. It was actually terrifying: one morning, we woke up, expecting to have a quick breakfast and enjoy a usual day, and realized we were completely dry.

I was still sick. It was horrible. The thing was, I knew if I had enough fluids, I would've been healthy days ago. But my mouth was completely dry and everything ached.

Because of my plague from hell, I wasn't allowed to leave the store. Everyone but one other person to stay and make sure I was still breathing went out every day to search for supplies while I sat on my ass. You would think I would have loved the luxury, but I was tired of doing nothing. So, when the rest of the group returned one day accompanied by a deep rumbling sound I later identified as a minivan, I was beyond overjoyed.

Now, we were just driving. We'd all squeezed in the minivan that morning (which, for the record, Nissan doesn't design vans built for ten people) and were now just driving. We had no idea where to go next, but they'd scoped out the entirety of that area multiple times. Water was nowhere in sight.

And there was no doubt that water was our number one priority. It'd been two days since our bottles ran dry, and thirst was not fun. Especially while sick. I knew if we didn't find something soon, I'd be the first to go.

"Weren't there supposed to be camps all over L.A.?" Jonah asked, his voice doubtful. "One of the most populated cities in the country is a fucking wasteland now."

"I have a feeling the little wave we encountered last week at the camp didn't just hit us," Aaron spoke up. "The city's cleaned out, both people and supplies-wise. I think getting the hell out of here is our best bet."

"Where?" Martha asked. "We don't have all that much gas, and we don't know where we're-"

"Speaking of camps," Ken interrupted, pointing out the window, where, sure enough, an abundance of tents and firewood had been abandoned in a Target parking lot.

"Shit, we really are the only ones left." Anthony swallowed hard. "What do you think happened to all those people we left behind in the basement?"

Jenna shook her head. "Wish I knew."

"Wait, pull over," Aaron said, motioning for Ken to stop the van. He did, and Aaron stepped out and started packing up the tents from the abandoned camp.

"What?" he asked us all. "Might need these later."


It had been a good two hours when the van completely ran out of gas.

We were on the highway outside of the city. I think we were north again, but I really wasn't sure. Nobody was.

We all got out, grabbing our bags. We'd passed a large group of chompers on the way out of the city, but nothing we couldn't easily plow through. Other than a few other stray ones on the side of the road, everything was empty.

"I guess we go out to the woods and pray to find a river or something," Ken suggested. "The nearest town is probably miles over."

As much as I hated to agree, I had to. Water was our biggest priority, but our food was dwindling as well. We'd need Aaron's hunting skills to pull us through.

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