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Arizona's Point Of View..

I was waken up by the sound of my blaring alarm clock. I rolled over, slamming my hand onto the snooze button. I sat up, rubbing my eyes groggily. 4 days, only 4 days till the horrid place we call school is over. Stepping out of bed and walking over to my closet, I tried finding a suitable outfit. Luckily my school wasn't big on the whole dress code thing. I laid out the outfit I had chosen on my bed before sitting at my vanity table and doing my hair and makeup. After making my hair wavy and doing a natural makeup, I slid into my outfit. Realizing I was a little behind on time, I quickly put on perfume and deodorant before I grabbed my phone and purse, running to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I bounded down the stairs, and into the kitchen. As always, my mom had a cup of coffee and a bagel sitting on the counter waiting for me. "Mas went on out." She told me. I kissed her cheek and mumbled by before walking out to my brothers truck. I stepped up into his big jacked up black Chevy and shut the door. "Bout time." he mumbled before chuckling quietly. I smirked and hit his shoulder. He put the truck in drive and we made out way to school. Having a twin brother was actually pretty great. I want to strangle him sometimes but I still love him. I also have 2 other brothers who are in college, Nathan who is 23 and Kyle who is 20. I love all my brothers, they pretty much treated me like a boy growing up but also grew up very protectively. I ate my breakfast as we made out way to school. I pulled out my phone and went onto my YouTube. I pulled up my video I posted yesterday an looked at all the views and comments. It's was a video of me singing a cover of 'Jolene' with my brothers playing the music for me. It already had a couple thousand views. Yay yay. My brother stopped the car and turned it off meaning we were at school. Although since finals were last week, we hardly did anything in all my classes. Graduation is in 2 days too. Then I'll officially be done with high school. It's kind of hard to believe. I grabbed my coffee and bag before jumping out of the car. Me and my brother walked inside together before parting ways to go to our classes. I went into first block and sat beside my best friends Kian and Bailey. We all grew up together since kindergarten. "Hey yall," I said sitting in my assigned seat. They greeted me before going back to their conversation, which was arguing over some movie and the characters in it. The day went on pretty fast since we didn't really do any real work. Kian wanted to get ice cream so I called my mom to ask. Once she answered and I asked her, she cleared her throat. "Actually, I need you to come home. Talk to you when you're here." With that, she hung up. "Sorry Kian, I have to go home." He pouted but gave me a hug. "Do you need I ride, I noticed you didn't drive today." I smiled, "Yeah, sure." I climbed into his old Chevy and immediately turned on the radio. Kick The Dust Up by Luke Bryan. I basically jammed out the whole was back to my house while Kian laughed at me. When he pulled into my driveway, I noticed a car I had never seen before. "Who's that?" Kian asked. I shook my head, "No idea." I mumbled bye before jumping out of his truck and running inside. The car definitely wasn't someone around here. Our town is probably the smallest town in Tennessee and no one around here drives fancy sport cars like that. I opened the front door hearing both my parents voices as another mans voice. I follow the voices to our dining room and see my parents talking to a man. He looked so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. "Oh honey, you're home." My mother said. My dad stood up and hugged me, kissing the top of my head. "There's someone here to see you," my dad said letting me go and pushing me forward. The man was standing in front of me and he smiled. "Hi, I'm Scott Braun but you can call me Scooter. I'm a music artist manager. You may be familiar with a few of my Ariana Grande, Carley Rae Japsen, and Justin Bieber." My jaw hit the floor. That's how I know him, he's a manager for famous people!! He carried on, "Anyways, I'm here because I saw your're incredible." I blushed, "Thank you." Scooter took my hand and lead me to a chair, my parents sitting beside me, looking at me with hopeful eyes. I looked at the before looking back at Scooter. "My point is, I wanna make you famous." My heart stopped. Me? Famous? "You're parents tell me you graduate the day after tomorrow and then you only have one more day of school after that so this is my plan. Next Monday,I'll fly you out to L.A to meet with my company's head producer. If he likes you and gives you a record deal, then you could be looking at moving to L.A and becoming the next big thing." My eyes were wide as I looked back and forth between my parents. Could this actually happen? My parents smiled proudly at me. They had always been supportive of my singing career and the were actually gonna take to to audition for The Voice but there was already too many people. "What do you say?" I took a deep breath before smiling. "I'm in."


So this is alittle short but I wanted to get something posted for yall. Hope you enjoy! Xoxo

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