PART 13: Revenge

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(This is gonna be a long part)

Chase: wanna sit with us, Rant?
Rant: um.. s-sure 😅
Ryan: don't be shy Rant. We're friends now, remember
Linon: and also, I really wanna be friends with someone who is also friends with Chase :)
Rant: wow, being nice really feels good ☺️

Marshall then smiled watching them get along when he saw the lamb.

Marshall: Hey, thanks for, you know, asking Rant if he's really gonna change
???: No problem. Why though?
Marshall: because If not, none of this would happen 😅
???: Heh, yeah. I'm Layla by the way, and you're?
Marshall: Marshall, Chase's brother
Layla: I heard the rumours that Chase liked being a little puppy. Is it true?
Marshall: see it for yourself

Layla could see Chase having fun with his plushie.

Layla: he looks really cute ☺️ gotta admit, being little feels kinda good
Marshall: heh, yeah. Never thought my older brother would be a little puppy.
Layla: Mind if I sit with you guys? Some crocodile and calf stole my seat.
Marshall: oh, ok. Go on ☺️

Layla then sat next to Ryan, blushing a bit

Layla: I can't believe I'm next to a popufur 😖
Ryan: heh. Girls do like me, do they 😎
Layla: OMG!! (Excited) 🤭
Linon: So, Rant, what are you gonna do since you're not the "bully" anymore?
Rant: Well... I don't know 😅 What do good guys do?
Ryan: I know! Wanna come over to my place and have a sleep over? Tomorrow's a holiday, so I think tonight's the best time. What do you think?
Marshall: awesome!
Chase: yeah! Sleepovers are da best! 😁
Ryan: I already know what Chase is gonna wear, or will he 😏 (chuckles)
Chase: mmmmm 😖
Rant: Really? I never been to a sleepover before
Linon: it will be the best thing in your life, promise :)
Marshall: How about you, Layla?
Layla: Me? Oh, sorry. My family have plans later so, I can't go. Plus, we just met 😅
Marshall: I understand. Maybe someday when we plan again?
Layla: Maybe. We'll see (chuckles)

Sooner or later the bell rang and it's time for afternoon class. Everyone went to their rooms and took their seats. Chase, Linon, and Rant is having
Chemistry class, so they'll be in the chemistry room. The three of them sat beside each other, with Rant in the middle.

Rant: um, guys? Do I have to sit between you guys? 😅
Linon: Not really. Which side do you prefer though?
Rant: I prefer the right side

Linon and Rant then switched seats with Linon in the middle. Suddenly, Chase had the urge to go to the bathroom really bad, but since it's the first period in the afternoon, they're not allowed to go to the bathroom.

Chase: Linon...
Linon: yeah?
Chase: I... I really n-need to g-go... (Holds it)
Linon: Why didn't you went to the bathroom before class?
Chase: I didn't feel it earlier... 🥺
Rant: You're in a diaper, right?
Chase: um, about that...
Linon: Oh no... I guess you need to hold it until after class.
Chase: 😣😣😣

Soon, the teacher went inside and started the class. After 50 minutes, right before Ethel period ends, the teacher ended the discussion and grabbed some chemistry materials such as beakers, chemicals, and the like to give them a sample experiment. As the teacher started pouring the chemicals, Chase's urge to go is getting worse, until he couldn't take it anymore and started wetting himself all over the place. Linon saw Chase's wet pants and panics.

Linon: Oh no... 😰

Soon after that, am animal noticed Chase had set himself.

Student 4: Teacher! Chase wet himself!

Everyone then started laughing at Chase and teasing him for being a little baby puppy.

Teacher: everyone! Quiet! 😠

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