02. whispers lost in translation: the unspoken poetry of love

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"Have you ever heard of the saying, 'girls are like poetry, they are hard to read and understand'?" Calliope asked her friend, her voice laced with a hint of curiosity. "And guess what? They are right. Girls like me are like poetry—hard to read and understand. I am one of them. I have been speaking things people could barely comprehend, yet most often, I am misunderstood," she said, almost whispering, not even letting her friend answer her question.

Calliope sat on the park bench near the sea, her hands clenched in frustration. The late afternoon sun cast a golden glow on her face as she gazed into the distance, lost in her thoughts. beside her, Rome fidgeted nervously, sensing her discontentment but unable to decipher its root cause.

"Rome, why can't you understand me? for once, I just want to be understood, rome," Calliope finally spoke, her voice tinged with a mix of desperation and longing. Her words hung in the air, laden with unspoken emotions, waiting to be decoded.

Rome turned to her, his brow furrowed with confusion. He can't understand what she meant. He searched her eyes for answers, hoping to find a clue that would unravel the puzzle before him. But calliope's eyes, like hidden depths, held secrets that he couldn't fathom. he deeply sighed and held her hand.

"No! I mean, of course, I do understand you, calliope," Rome replied softly, his voice filled with genuine concern. "But sometimes, it feels like you're speaking a different language, it feels like you're speaking a code that I need to decode, and i'm struggling to find the right translation for it. I am struggling to understand and comprehend you," Rome added with a hint of frustration in his voice and with his shoulders slumped.

Calliope let out a heavy sigh, her gaze shifting to the intertwining branches of a nearby tree. She had always been captivated by nature's metaphors, and today, she wished her feelings could be as clear as the gentle rustling of leaves. How she wished she can just directly say it, but her words seems not to be cooperating as she kept on saying words that seems like a code that needs to be decoded.

"Rome, it's like we're standing on opposite sides of a river," Calliope began, her voice becoming distant. "I just— I speak my truth, and you hear my words, but the current of understanding sweeps them away bef— before they reach your heart." calliope spoke her heart out and even stuttering, but disappointingly shakes her head as she speaks, again, to explain what she meant. But Rome held her hand.

Rome tried to grasp her analogy, the weight of her words sinking into his being. He realized that he had been so focused on the literal meaning of her statements that he had overlooked the layers beneath, the unspoken depths that held her true intentions.

"I— i'm sorry, Calliope," Rome whispered, his voice tinged with regret. "I've been blind to the subtle nuances of your emotions. I hear your words, but I haven't truly been listening to your heart. I'm sorry, I realized that I didn't even tried my best to comprehend your words and understand you deeper," he spoke with regret on his voice.

A tear trickled down Calliope's cheek, reflecting the fading sunlight. She had longed for rome to understand her without her having to spell out every detail, to comprehend the unsaid words that resided within her soul. But her hopes had been shattered, and the pain of her unmet expectations washed over her like a tidal wave.

Their hearts now lay bare, yet a divide had grown between them. The weight of their miscommunication hung heavily in the air, suffocating the love that had once flourished. The park, once a sanctuary of shared dreams, became a silent witness to their unraveling.

Calliope rose from the bench, her heart heavy with unspoken words. She cast one last glance at rome, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and resignation. she knew that some things could never be mended, and the rift that had formed between them ran too deep to be bridged. And there, she knew, everything won't be the same anymore. It finally ends there.

"I just— I wanted you to read between the lines, rome," Calliope whispered, her voice barely audible. "But now, I realize that some stories are destined to remain unfinished," she smiled sadly and slowly shakes her head.

With a heavy heart, she turned away, leaving behind the park bench that had once witnessed their love. The echoes of their unspoken desires lingered, carried away by the breeze, as they walked separate paths, forever searching for the understanding that eluded them.

hello, everyone! enjoy reading! : D


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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