|| AISLE 1 ||

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"She looks just like a dream, the prettiest girl I've ever seen"

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"Five, six.." you whisper lightly as you count the colorful multivitamin pills  sliding them to the side to pour them into a bottle.

You grab another bottle of pills pour them onto the plate. "2,3.." you begin to count only to lose track by certain disturbance.

"Omg.. let me go to the register...!"

"No me !!"

"I saw him first !!"

You furrow your eyebrows as you sand up form your desk to check to what all the commotion is about.
Opening the door that leads to the front counter of the pharmacy only to see your friends that just so happen to be your co workers fighting and bickering ?

"Excuse me what is all this noise about ?"

You raise your voice a little causing silence to fill the air soon ruined by soojin.

"The front cash register has no workers so they asked can the have someone from the pharmacy and I wanna go !"

She whines a little, jutting out her Bottom lip

" Woah I've never seen you guys this excited to talk to a customer ever.."

you say roiling your eyes as the bickering begins again which becomes agitating to you so you speak up.

" ALL RIGHT ENOUGH, I'll go to the register they have people waiting and y'all wanna fight ? Come on now."

You say as you make your way to the front of the store taking your long white coat off and setting it on a table to reveal your uniform. Walking behind the desk your start to help the line of customers. From a old couple to a group of friends. With the line now gone it starts to get dark outside when you hear a familiar group of girls walking to the front of the store.

"Closed down the pharmacy?"

You ask as you scroll through your phone casually taking glances at them though your eyelashes

"Yes ma'am !!"

Yuqi says as she takes a seat by the counter

"Closed all the medicine and locked the cabinets?"

A little sass laces your tone as you place a hand on your hip.

A Spoonfull of sugar helps the medicine go down ✰ C.BCWhere stories live. Discover now