The Path Is Ever Twisting and Turning (Winter 8)

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"P-Put me down," Audrey mumbled from Madoka's shoulder. "I feel like a soggy backpack. Or like I'm riding an extremely uncomfortable horse. You know how I am with horses!"

"Stop your complaining," Madoka snapped. She's traveled at least a hundred steps now and the bottom of the path was close. Each new step she took brought her towards what she really wanted: Off this mountain.

"I can walk," Audrey said. Madoka was unconvinced, of course. The poor girl has gone through enough. Her wounds were not too deep and she still could use magic, but the red haired maid would not put her princess down no matter how much she fussed. "I can—"

"Shut it," Madoka gripped the squirming girl harder. "Keep talking and I'll throw you off the damn mountain."

"Bet!" Audrey challenged her. She shrieked when that response only got her an even tighter squeeze. "Ach! Okay! I'm delicate goods here! Naeee waaaah!"

"Yeah, let it out," Madoka was unbothered by her friend's wails. It reminded of her younger days of fitting the girl in royal dresses. She would sigh but Audrey was pacified for now. "This is payback for all the things you put me through."

"Wha?" Audrey buried her head in Madoka's shoulder. "You don't like almost dying every day?"

"I don't!" Madoka answered and took one step. Six steps remained before the maid who scoffed as she trudged, dredging up the worst the girl on her back put her through.

"The months spent training!"

Five steps left.

"Yeah, and?" Audrey murmered.

"My death!"

Four steps left.

"Well, that was—"

"The hiking. Kind gods, the hiking!"

Three steps.

"That stupid bear that almost killed us both!"

"We ate it!"

Madoka hefted the girl up when her grip slackened. Two steps left.

"That descent to that bloody creature in the black ice!"

One step left.

"And need I remind you," Madoka growled. Audrey's grip tightened. "That damn dragon!"

"And my axe!" Audrey chirped. "Think, Madoka, think! If you set me down c-carefully I won't be a burden! I mean, uh, less of a burden then what I currently am right now. Ahh!"

Madoka flipped Audrey around her waist and pressed her against a tree the moment her feet found ground and snow laden grass. She put her weight on the girl and drew very close to her friend's stupid, bandaged face. The girl's cheeks reddened deeper than the bloodstains on her forehead. "Okay."

A flustered and bothered Audrey tried to balance on her own legs but crumpled to the ground. After she gave her a righteous and angry look, Madoka simply trotted off and left her behind.

"W-Wait!" Audrey's voice grew distant, then more desperate. Yet Madoka kept walking. She was taking care of this ungrateful girl all this time! The bitterness matched the bareness of winter scarred branches and it all finally welled up over her patience. Perhaps the coldness will freeze Her Highness's ignorance and penchant for causing danger unapologetically. That burning fire inside her, that stupid magic ring of stars and bands, and her ego has done Madoka no good ever since she has laid eyes on it.

She could no longer see Audrey and regret filled her for a moment. Yet Madoka wanted to teach a lesson to the girl — she did not have to help her this time. So she kicked a massive tree down to sit on its log while she waited. For awhile, there were no thoughts and she could see nothing but bare trees but Madoka did not know where to go anyways. Perhaps she would go back to her.

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