Suprise Ending

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When we woke up everyone was in the living room. "Morning jess." Jeff said. I smiled at him. "Do u wanna go to the pond." Jeff asked " shure." I answered as we headed twords the pond. We fiannaly arrived at the pond. Jeff and I sat on the giant rock by the pond and talked. Suddenly Jeff neeled down and spoke,"Jess u know I love u right?" I nodded. "Well I love u and I don't feel right for some reason and I figured it out. Were missing something in our relationship. So what I'm asking is...will u , marry me?" I gasped in surprise. I locked my eyes with his in a gaze and slowly spoke. "Y-yes. Of course." He widened his smile and slowly leaned in locking our lips together hardly , forcefully and powerfully. We broke apart and walked home, my head leaning on his sholder, my blond hair which had blue highlights mixing in with his black hair. His arm around my waist and mine a rounded his torso. As we walked home I glanced down at the ring which is now mine permenenlty. It was white with a black diamond. Proboly 10 carrots or something but that doesn't matter. All I needed was Jeff and crash. And maybe some surprises and I just got the biggest one yet. I looked at Jeff as we slowly aproched the house. "Surprise." He said and i knew he was talking about us being engaged.
Hope u gyes enjoyed this story. Mylee is a real chatictor she is my best friend in reality she's my Bae and Toby is her so back off and Jeff's mine so Lol. Luv yah gyes !!!! •3• †

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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