Drunk and alone:

984 25 19

Requested by: @kitty_katt-_-

Tw: vomit

Charlie walked in, the loud music filling the club. Bright lights flashed around the club along with many people dancing. He walked over to the bar, the smell of alcohol getting stronger. The man had only come here for 1 thing: To forget.

Charlie's life was miserable. He had no daughter, he had no fanily, and he had nothing except the bottles of alcohol in front of him.

"What can I getcha?" The bartender

"3 shots of your strongest." Slime responded.

The bartender left and soon returned with the drinks.

Slime drank until he no longer remembered all the painful memories that haunted him. His pockets drained, and his shot cup kept refilling. The more he drank, the more nauseous he got. "Another shot, please..." He asked the bartender incoherently. "Sorry sir, I'm not allowed to give you any more alcohol.".

Charlie got up, walking to the restroom. He quickly ran to the toilet, vomiting. Over and over. His vomits soon turned into painful sobs.

"Why do I still remember... why can't I forget. Why am I still pained by my actions. Why do I still feel." His words were barely understandable through his tears.

Charlie wanted nothing more than to forget his painful actions that haunted him. He just wanted his wife and his daughter to return to him. He wanted his happy family back. His sadness quickly turned into aggression as he punched the wall, letting out painful screams. He didn't care if he was heard by the people at the club. He had so many bottled up emotions, and it was impossible to continue piling them inside.

A knock on the bathroom door interrupted his breakdown, followed by a concerned voice. "Hello?". Slime ignored the knock and continued sobbing. The door creaked open, and the last thing charlie saw before passing out in his puddle of tears was Mariana.


Mariana picked up slime. He walked out of the building, holding him
In his arms.He put slime in his car, driving them to his house.

Mariana carried slime into the house and then to the bathroom before placing him down on the carpet. He turned on the water to fill up the tub. The tub slowly filled up as Mariana went to go get slime some more comfortable clothing.

Mariana got clothes for slime and walked back. Walking in, he realized that slime had woken up. Slime sat on the bathroom floor, tears streaming down his face.
"Slime?" Mariana said, placing the clothes before sitting down next to him. "I'm sorry..." Slime said through

      "I'm so fuckibg miserable. I have no daughter, no friends, I have nothing. Everyone has gone on with their great lives , and all I do, Is sit and cry. I'm a terrible husband." Charlie spoke out.

   "don't say that slime. Yo estoy aqui. I will never leave you. Nunca. You are an amazing husband. por supuesto que no eres perfecto, nadie es. Pero, you are still a great husband. siempre voy a estaré a tu lado pase lo que pase. Because we are familia. Estamos juntos"
Translation: [Don't say that slime. I am here. I will never leave you. Never. You are an amazing husband. Of course you aren't perfect. Nobody is. But you are still a great husband. I will always be by your side no matter what. Because we are family. We are together.] (Sorry if my Spanish is bad. I am bad at Grammer and spelling in Spanish despite speaking it.)

Tears rolled down Charlie's face as he smiled at Mariana. Mariana wrapped his arms around the other, and there, all their cares melted away. because they knew that no matter what, they would have each other.


Tysm for reading! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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