Chapter 15

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Ok, I was an idiot

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Ok, I was an idiot. I admit it. I woke up in a hospital bed, my knee feeling like it was on fire but not as bad as it was before.

The doctor said I was out for only a couple of hours and that I managed to tear my knee after overworking it and putting too much weight and pressure on it. The pain is what made me pass out. Thankfully I didn't need to have surgery for it but the doctor told me to let it fully heal for the next four to six weeks.

I laid back in the bed, blowing out a breath. I could be discharged tonight and I was waiting for my grandma to get off of work and check me out.

The door then opened and Reid came through. His body was tense as he walked in, clearly angry with me.

"Reid?" I called to him. He didn't say a word, letting silence consume us. He sat a cup of coffee down on the counter before me, running a hand through his hair. He grabbed a chair from under the counter and rolled it over to my bedside.

His stern gaze stayed on me, analyzing my position and posture. I looked to the side, pressing my lips into a thin line. I felt his grip on my jaw a second later, turning me to face him.

My lips parted slightly, shocked he was touching me in this way. I tried to speak but no words left my mouth as his minty breath fanned over my lips.

He stared into my eyes, our faces inched closer to each other. "You didn't listen to me," he murmured. A shiver ran down my spine by the way his voice made me want to squirm. "I warned you but you're as stubborn as a mule."

My eyebrows furrowed, bewildered by this new side of Reid. The only time I ever saw him an inkling of this mad was when I drove the car too fast for his liking. "You don't have to be so rude about it?" I exclaimed, squinting my eyes. My defense mechanism glides up sharply.

"God you're insufferable," he dropped his hand from my face, leaning back into his seat. I blinked rapidly, adjusting to the loss of heat provided by him.

I scoffed, holding a hand to my chest, "I'm insufferable? You're the insufferable one here, buddy. I didn't ask for you to be around me every second, sticking your nose in my business, and making me do things I didn't want to.

You know what it's your friend's fault I'm even in this position in the first place.," I pointed a finger at him. "It seems like you're the problem."

"I said I was sorry. I feel horrible that she dropped it in the first place," he raised his voice back at me. "But you were the one who willingly went in the water, knowing you weren't in the best shape. What if something happened while you were in the deep end? Hmm? Then what?"

"God, I don't know why you care so much. I'm not your responsibility, I can do what I want. I wish you would just leave me alone!" I yelled back. It was a lie, but I was blinded by anger and had too much pride to take it back.

His eyes widened, hurt striking his eyes. He looked down and stood from his chair. I flinched when the door shut behind him.

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