Chapter 1

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~in school your pov~

  I was walking down the hall way to my home room class. 'Ugh, this day is gonna suck' you thought to yourself. I have always hated school, it makes me feel trapped when I could be out in the world doing what I love, but my parents would kill me if I dropped out and I do love my parents very much. My mom and I have had a bad relationship in the past but we've been able to bring ourselves to fix it. Anywho as I was dreading going to class, I see his arrogant face flash a nice big cocky smile at me. Laughter can be heard from his friends as I flip him off and go to my seat.

The professor walks in but no one really pays attention to him and he doesn't really pay attention to us, which I rather preferred. I reached for my phone in my pocket and pull it out and place it on the desk.

"How long is it gonna take for you to be nice to me?" A deep voice says and a hand swipes my phone. I look up in annoyance and sigh, keeping eye contact with him.

"I don't have to be nice to you if I don't want to Mingi" " Oh really?" "Yea now shut up and go away" I quickly swipe my phone back. He stands up and walks away like an arrogant idiot, letting out a low chuckle to himself. I just roll my eyes in response and play my game.

*text message notification*
You won't be rolling your eyes like that later 😉

'Oh how I hate him' I thought to myself. 'I hate him I hate him I hate him' I repeated in my head. I hated him so much because he made me love him. Sleepless nights, cries from heartaches, endless thoughts of us dancing in the night, waking up by his side, vacations and romantic dates were just dreams I wished and prayed would come true. But they never did, I would end up hurting him, just like the others. 'I can't love anyone' I thought, as a tear almost escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it away and sniffled before I got up and walked out of the class.

Mingi POV
I was laughing with the guys and I quickly glanced over at her. She seemed sad, depressed, alone. I can't help but wonder what she was thinking about. As I continued talking with the guys I heard a sniffle and the sliding of a chair. I watch her walk out of the class, quickly.

"You can't fix her man" my friend Seonghwa says, probably because he noticed me looking at her "That girl is broken, unfixable" "You don't know that, yea I may be just her fuck buddy but it won't stop me from trying to help her" I wasn't afraid in telling him that because the guys knew.

What they didn't know is that I loved her. A lot. Thinking about her drives me crazy, her natural beauty makes it hard to focus in class. She has given me sleepless nights yet wonderful dreams. My head keeps spinning as if she were the sun and my head was the earth. But what hurts is that she probably just wants me for sex and sex only. I wanted to be with her. Permanently.

The door slides open and she walks back inside and sits back in her seat.

"Sit everyone" the professor says and I take my seat next to her. She pulls out her phone for a brief moment and texts someone and slides it back in her pocket.

*text message notification*
We'll see about that

I put my phone down and let out a small chuckle. 'She must really want me today.' I thought to myself.

*later, lunch*

Me and my friends were talking and laughing about random things.

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