Chapter 1

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The music was loud in the bar Kim was drinking to oblivion your probably asking why is sitting here drinking on his first anniversary of relationship with Porchay it's because he saw him kissing Macau

He was getting dizzy because of the alcohol if he get wasted he can't go home because he's here alone so he decided to go home. He stand up to quickly he gonna fall he was waiting for his head to hit the floor but it never come

He opened his eyes he saw someone holding him and this someone was none other than Vegas he was so close to him that his breathing was tickling him

He quickly removed his hand on Vegas and asked
"What are you doing here Vegas?"

" Can't i come in the bar anymore cousin?" He answered by a question with a smirk on his face wtf was that bastard was smirking at?

Don't get him wrong he doesn't hate Vegas but he have to pretend he hate him because of his fucking family
"You didn't answer my question Vegas" Kim said rolling his eyes

"I come here because i needed a break and you ?" Vegas said sitting in the chair next to Kim

" I come here to drink to oblivion because i saw him kissing your brother" Kim answered wtf was he talking with Vegas about that

"Wow Chay kissing Macau? What did you do?" Vegas was surprised because who can think that Porchay is like this

"Why do you think it's me who did something?" Why did everyone think it's me the problem here when the problem is my fucking father and Porchay

"I don't know maybe because you're dumb when it come to Porchay?" Vegas said drinking is tequila

" I didn't do nothing i guess he's bored of me anyways I'm going home" Kim stand finding his out of the bar

"Wait let me give you a ride" Vegas said grabbing is hand

"Okay let's go"

When they we're out Kim opened the car door enter and pass is seatbelt
During the car right he was looking at the windows he didn't see he was in front of his penthouse when he heard Vegas said

"Where here cousin " Vegas parked the car in front of the penthouse

"Thank you" Kim said unblocking is seatbelt

"So you can say thanks you wow" Vegas said surprised and amused

"Shut up" Kim get out slamming the car door he opened the door of his penthouse get ride of his shoes when he heard moans

Moans wtf? He opened the door room when he see Chay laying in his bed with his legs wide open Macau dick in his ass moaning loudly

"Wtf Porchay"

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