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_I am exhausted... Reo said while sitting next to Nagi who was playing on his phone.

You heavily let yourself fall back on the sand while smirking at Isagi.

_Hah loser. You told him as he let out an annoyed sigh.

_It wasn't even fair. He said while looking back at you.

_Sounds like a hater to me~ you said while remembering what happened back a few minutes ago.


_GO ISAGI Nio shouted while holding tight on his knees to keep him up.

_Now Isagi~ Aiku said and tried to do his best for you to not fall off his shoulders even though you were struggling.

You pushed Isagi's face away while Oliver used his leg to make Nio fall.

He ended up falling along with Isagi on his back while you cheered.


_What's up, Nio ? Is Isagi too heavy for you ? Aiku teased while the male was still under the water.

He let out a dry chuckle before Nio came out and pushed Oliver which made you fall.

But before your head could reach under the water Sendo caught you and smirked.


_Damn my prince charming. You sarcastically said before someone pulled his legs under the water making you both drown for a second.


_Sounds fair to me. Oliver said while sitting extremely close to you for your revealed shoulders to touch.

You were checking something on your phone the moment Aiku realized that you didn't mind the proximity.

He smirked toward Some of the present males and ended up setting his head on your lap.

At first you raised a brow at him before hearing someone fake a cough.

_Do y'all want to go somewhere else after this ? We still have time. Reo said while his voice seemed a little cold.

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