Chapter 1

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"alright well, i guess this is it." i said to my mom and dad as i was standing in front of the line at the airport security

"god i'm gonna miss you." said my mom with tears in her eyes as she gave me another hug for the 500th time

"mom! it's ok! i'll be fine and it's just a couple of months!" i said, trying to reassure her as i rubbed her back

"i know i know. make sure to call us on your new phone! and don't forget to keep it charged at all times. OH and-" said my mom before my dad cut her off

"ok jenn! it's alr! kota knows what she's doing. i'm gonna miss u ko." said my dad as he gave me a big hug

"well my flight boards at 8:45 and it's 8:13 so i should probably get going. i love you guys so much" i said as i hugged them both and made my way towards the security line, occasionally turning back around to wave at them one more time

in case ur wondering why i'm in an airport and leaving my parents for the summer, it's because i'm spending the summer with my grandparents in the usa! they live in California in a really rich house and let's just say i'm really excited

they're my grandparents on my moms side, who's fully American, she grew up in California. she met my dad on a cruise ship headed to Hawaii which is where my dad was born and raised. they fell in love and had me and moved to Kailua which is a town on the east coast of island Oahu, which is where i was born and raised!

my dad is a car mechanic and my mom is a marine biologist. well now she is but for like half of my childhood she was a Botanist, which is someone who studies the science of plants. so basically i know a lot about plants underwater, and out of water

i never even went to school, i was home schooled my whole life and i grew up learning about nature, science, cars, math ofc, and i grew up learning the languages english, and Hawaiian. i never grew up with any technology besides cars, our living room tv, and one wall phone in my kitchen.

so i usually spent my time surfing, working at my job at an aquarium, or my dads car shop which he owns. sometimes i liked to go to my friends work at a surf board shop.

in the summer, me and my friends taught surfing lessons to kids on the beach. most of my friends don't go to school either, and are friends with my parents. the only reason i know most of my friends is because their parents are friends with my parents.

and since i grew up with little to no technology, i was kinda annoyed once i heard i was going to have to use my a flip phone while i stay in California with my grandparents. but my parents made it up to me by buying me an old digital camera!


as i finally got on the plane to my almost 5 hour flight, i sent a message to my mom that told her i was on the plane and wouldn't be able to text or call for a while.

i sat down in my seat after putting my suitcase on the compartment above me. i had my mini backpack from a small surf shop in hawaii that had the stuff i would need throughout the flight and when i got off the plane.

i also had 1 more suitcase along with my favorite surfboard and my other favorite surfboard as a backup. but ofc those things weren't allowed in the airplane


after 5 hours of sleep and reading a murder mystery book, the airplane had finally landed and i walked off and into the California airport feeling kinda anxious as i haven't seen my grandparents in over a year

i walked to the entrance of the airport with my surfboards and extra suitcase. i looked everywhere until i finally spotted the familiar elderly couple i see once a year

"grandma grandpa!" i shouted out to them with a smile on my face as they saw me and jogged towards me

"Dakota!" they said as i dropped everything i was carrying and hugged them

"oh my god i miss you guys so much!" i said as i pulled away from the group hug.

"we missed you more." said my grandma as she looked at me with her beautiful green eyes that she had passed down to my mom who had passed them down to me

"and now we get to spend the whole summer with each other!" said my grandpa as we all laughed. they then helped me carry all my stuff as we walked to their car

as we got closer to the car i saw that it was a white, 2023 jeep wrangler with 4 doors

"OH MY GOD?" i said in disbelief as i walked all around the car, looking at it

"WHEN DID U GUYS GET THIS?? THIS IS LIKE MY JEEP BUT 100 TIMES BETTER AND MKRE EXPENSIVE" i said, still in shock at how beautiful and expensive their car is

"we didn't tell you?! we got it just for u this summer since your staying with us!! and hopefully many more!!" said my grandpa as i looked at them like they were crazy

"do you guys bought a 55,000 dollar car just for me???!!!" i said, still in shock

"YESS!!" said my grandma as i ran up and hugged them with tears in my eyes


once we got to their house i put my stuff in the room i always stay in at their house. it was a big room that was very coastal grandma style.

in it was a big white canopy bed with blue floral sheets and a thick white comforter that had starfish stitching in it. it had a ton of pillows that matched the sheets. the whole room was full of windows and a balcony overlooking the california seas. i also had my own bathroom that was in between my balcony and my bed

i set my surfboards up against the wall next to my bathroom door before unpacking one of my bags into the white dresser that had a big golden mirror on top that was built into it. i then unpacked my other suitcase into my walk in closet that had so much space and many hangers for all my clothes

after i was done unpacking, i decided to change into my pajamas as it was already 7:40 pm and the sun was setting.

i changed into my blue silk pajama set and walked downstairs to the grand living room with many, MANY windows, some open, some closed, overlooking the ocean

in there, my grandma was watching a documentary about a famous serial killer

"hey grandma!" i said as i sat down next to her on the couch

"hey! wanna watch this with me?" i said yes as she further explained what it was about.

me and my grandma watched the documentary while my grandpa cut off the stems of the strawberries they had grown in their garden out back.

at the end of the night, i said goodnight to my grandparents and went to bed with the balcony doors open so i could hear the sounds of the waves crashing

it had always amazed me how different the waves sounded in california from hawaii. in hawaii, it's way louder, since the waves are closer up to the shore. but in california the waves are further out from the shore.

before going to bed, i made sure to text my parents goodnight and just like that i was already snoring


i feel like that was kind of a small chapter compared to what i usually write in my other books
oh well
anyways i hope y'all liked this chapter even tho it was really just the introduction
and pls don't forget to comment and vote!!!💗💗🫶🫶

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