Chapter One Research

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JORDAN (play song whenever)

My sibs and I were taking a walk in the woods. At night.

"Guys we should head back!" Isaac suddenly yells from like 5 feet behind me Cierra and Beth.

"Nawh" Cierra says running ahead.

"CIERRA WAIT UP!!" Bethany screams from behind me. Pulling up her backpack she runs ahead to. I dragged Isaac along.

"Ouch!" Was suddenly heard from up ahead. Me and Isaac ran up and saw Cierra and Bethany itching there right and left arms. Then OW! A bat bit me and Isaac. I started to itch my leg while Isaac itched his thigh. The world started to spin and I got a massive headache. I layed on the ground watching as the earth slowly came back to me. I rubbed my head. My head stilled ached. I sat up and looked at Isaac and screamed. His eyes were glowing brown! Cierra's were shining light brown! Bethany's were shining light green and im pretty sure mine were glowing dark blue. We ran home in different directions. We all ran to different rooms. I started to do research. I searched on WWW.KnowEverything.Com/Bats Who Bite.

Bats who bite are usually Vampire Bats. If you get bit by one there is a good chance that you will become a vampire. Side affects contain Nashua headaches and glowing/shining eyes. You may notice a few differences in you a couple days later such as fangs, if you take a selfies nothing will show up and no reflections. You can see yourself in mirrors only at night. Every 3 hours you will need blood. That blood will last you at least 24 hours. In early morning you will need more blood. If you dont have blood every 3 hours for 1 day til 7:59 am then you'll shrivel up and die a very painful death. It is very easy to hide if you are a vampire. 1: Dress normally (don't dress in all black). 2: Don't be afraid of humans you will not eat them (unless you really want to!) 3: where contacts with your glasses (if don't have glasses untie your shoe and look down when you talk). 4: Act normal (example: Hey guys whats up! Wrong example: h..ey guys your blood looks nice I mean your hair looks nice hehe) 5: If out with friends and needs blood just make up an excuse. (I really need to pee! Imma go home stay here for a minute. Then get blood!) 6: If have craving for blood if not 3 hours later then dont mind it! 7: Dont eat family members! 8: Dont act to suspicious 9: In car rides if overheating just drink water not blood. 10: be carful round pets! *DONT GET CAUGHT!

I read. Wow. I wrote them down on my computer. This 3 hours is gonna be hard.

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