Waking up

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You wake up. You feel a great pain in your neck. You have no idea what happened before you opened your eyes. All you remember is a loud thud. You then see a blurry yellow figure as your eyesight becomes more clear. You don't know what it is. You want to try to defend yourself, but you can't move. All you can do is look. Then, as your vision clears, you see a horse. No, wait, it's a pony. You see wings, a pink mane, and butterfly's on her flank. You realize, it's Fluttershy! "Oh good! Your awake! I thought you were dead! Poor thing! You have a cut on your neck! Don't worry! I can fix it up! I-i mean, if that's ok with you..." You feel a sting on the back of your neck. "F-Fluttershy...?" You mumble with your hoarse voice. You put one hand in front of you. But you don't have hands anymore. You have hooves! You snap to your senses, and get up. As soon as you stand, you feel a slight pain in your back hoof. You look down to see it bleeding. But you don't care. You stagger over to a mirror and look at yourself. You're a unicorn. You try to believe it's a dream, but you know that's not true. It feels all to real. But you still try and shut your eyes, hoping to open them in your bedroom. But that doesn't happen. Fluttershy rushes towards you, acknowledging your wounds. "Please! Sit down! I don't want your wounds to get any worse!" She says. But you don't hear her. You have so many things racing through your head that the only things you can hear are your thoughts. She pulls you over to her couch and sits you down. You think of trying to walk with hooves. You think of making friends in this new place. You think of your family wondering where you are. You start to hyperventilate. You can feel tears filling your eyes and streaming down your cheeks as your breath staggers. Fluttershy runs to her kitchen and comes back with a cup. As she brings it closer to you, you realized its tea. "Please, calm down! Here! Drink this!" She says. "Please stop!" You won't stop though. Your breath keeps staggering as Fluttershy dries your tears with one hoof. "I'm sorry to do this, but I have to." She says. Then, she slaps you. You feel your breathing returning to normal, and all these thoughts leaving your head. You look down to see tea in her hooves. She nudges the cup towards you and you quickly take it, putting it up to your mouth and gulping down the liquid. You feel calm now. Fluttershy gets some cloths to clean your wounds, and wraps some bandages around the areas of your wounds. Then, Fluttershy begins to speak with you.

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