Chapter 14

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Mitch walked back in the house and he sat on his couch, staring at the curtains on his windows infront of him....he just kissed Scott. On the lips. Infront of Joey. That really just happened.

Mitch had mixed feelings about it. On one hand he loved that Scott kissed back no matter how surprised he was but on the other hand, what if he was reading the signs wrong this whole time....

What if Scott didn't actually like Mitch like that....but then again he agreed to stay for the whole weekend so that had to be a positive sign.

Instead of thinking about it too much, Mitch got to work and he cleared out a space for the new family member. Mitch hoped Joey could keep the puppy because if he knew the boy, he was already attached to that dog and he had every right to.

"Are you going to be with Mitch now?" Joey asked Scott as they waited at the vet to go in the office

"It's not that simple. Even if i want to date him, he may not want the same thing" Scott knew better than to get his hopes up after one kiss

"But he kissed you. Kissing is what people do that love eachother" Not nesseceraily

"That's true but not in every case. You see sometimes people who kiss, can also just really like eachother but not be in love. Like in movies, when two actors kiss eachother. They play a couple on Tv but often times they are just friends in real life." Scott tried his best to explain the differences between kisses

"So.....Mitch kissed you fake?" Joey grew concerned

"No, not fake. Mitch definetly likes me but maybe he only likes me as a friend. I'll have to talk to him to know for sure" Scott saw that the people before them, exited the vet's office "Oh look, we're up next. Come on, bring your puppy" he was glad Joey's investigation had to end.

By the end of the vet visit, it turned out that the puppy was nobody's pet because he didn't have a chip in him. The doctor also confirmed that he was infact a boy puppy.

Joey was obviously very happy he got to keep his first pet so as they were walking back to Mitch's car, Scott decided to call Mitch like he promised he would.

Mitch picked up after two rings "Hey! We just got out of the vet's office. The puppy didn't have a chip so he was most likely a stray. The doctor examined him and said he was in great condition so Joey got to keep him"

Mitch was thankful Scott sounded like his normal self, there wasn't awkwardness behind his voice or worse...anger "Oh that's great news!!! I'm happy for Joey. Thank you for letting me know"

"I promised, didn't I?" Scott opened the car door for Joey as he spoke "I think we gonna hit up a pet store before we go back to your's. Get the pup some basic stuff like bowls and food and whatnot. And before you say anything, i got it covered"

"Your ever so kindness" Mitch laughed through the phone "Alright but take care you two! I already made the puppy some space so i'll be waiting here"

"Okay, we'll be home soon. Bye" Scott hung up.

Mitch sat on his couch and thought about what Scott said when it registered in his brain.....'home' he said 'we'll be HOME soon' for some reason that filled Mitch's heart with warmth. Scott thought of his house as a home. And it also gave him hope that maybe.....he wasn't the only one feeling things.

While Mitch waited for the boys to return, he felt like talking to someone. Who else could he call than his mom? Sharon gave the best advice. So that's what Mitch did, he took his phone out and dialed his mom..

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