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I get out of my car and start walking into school. "Hi Raejin!" A younger year girl waves to me enthusiastically making me smile widely. "Hey Umiko!" I wave back and her jaw drops. She brings back her smile and continues waving as I walk away. "DID YOU SEE THAT. SHE KNOWS MY NAME." I hear her say to the girl beside her before putting my headphones in. She has no idea how much of a great mood she put me in. I smile to myself and continue walking into the school. I stop before the hallway and look at the announcement board. I see a paper with large words printed in red ink that reads, "Classes will not take place today, feel free to go to your clubs or hang out." I walk into the hallway with a small smile still on my face. "Hey Raejin!" I lock eyes with a younger boy and smile at him before waving, causing him to bump into the boy in front of him. I chuckle a bit and keep walking. I look in front of me and see a group of 8 boys staring at me. I raise an eyebrow and cautiously walk towards them. "May I help you?" The boys all smirk but one, he smiles at me. "Hi, my names Chan." He offers his hand to shake. I shake his hand and he begins to speak "Were interested in the Dance Club and we heard that your in it." He continues "Do you think you could bring us to the leader?" I chuckle and the boys in front of me cock their eyebrows. "You're looking at her." As soon as those words leave my mouth I hear a scoff coming from the boy on the left. He crossing his arms and walks up to me. "You're the leader?" He stands cockily and I mock him, straightening my back. "Is that a problem?" I raise my own eyebrow. He looks me up and down, keeping his crossed arms. I step closer until our arms are brushing against each others. "Do you need me to repeat myself?" He lowers his head to meet mine. "No," he shakes his head and continues. "But I'm not sure if your team is strong enough for us." I start to chuckle and roll my eyes. "Oh you'll see." I sigh knowingly with another slight chuckle. "Follow me."  I hear the footsteps of the boys behind me as I walk down the hallway to the dance room. I open the doors and am met with the playful antics of my dance club. "Unnie!" Karin runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug, earning a giggle from me before I pat her head. "Everyone, These boys behind us are interested in our club." They all stand up and form a line. "However." I continue, making my members cock an eyebrow. "They seem to think this club isnt powerful enough for them." The girls faces turn sour and the boys turn cocky. "Should we show them?" I ask with my arms crossed. They nod and I turn to face the boys. "Have a seat." I speak, watching as they sit on the floor. I turn back to my members and give Chaeni a nod, watching as she presses the play button on our speaker.

(Raejin is the blond with red highlights)

The boys put a poker face on despite me being able to see them vibe through the mirror. Chan gets up from the floor and makes eye contact with me, "When can we join?" I giggle and respond, "Not so fast sweetheart." He reddens and I continue, "Why should I let you guys join? What do you have to offer?" The boys stand up and walk to the middle of the room, performing a song they worked on. I watch through the mirror with my arms crossed, switching focus to a different member every couple seconds. They make one mistake but besides that they weren't bad. The song ends and they turn to me with sweat running down their faces. I smile and walk up to the cocky boy from before with my arms still crossed. "Not as easy as you thought, huh?" He looks down with a sly smile and I smirk. "You're in." I say while walking towards my members. "But, if you decide to be assholes, I can kick you out at anytime." Their expressions harden, some with determination and some with annoyance. I smile before speaking, "Now sit down, let's play some games." We sit in a circle and get to know each other for a little before finally playing a game. "What should we play?" I ask the group of now 13 members. "How about Find your pair?" Max speaks up, "Thats not bad." I add and nod in approval as I give a slight introduction of the game. "Find your pair is a game where you have to essentially find your pair. There will be a piece of paper on your back that says something like Honey or Salt, you will ask people yes or no questions about your thing and they have to answer honestly. Once you guess right about what you are you have to find your pair." Everyone nods and seems to like the idea. "So the pairs are like salt and pepper?" The cocky boy that ive learned is named leeknow speaks up, causing me to nod. I write down each thing on a piece of paper and fold them so you can't see what's in them, I walk over and put them in Daewons hat before shuffling them around. Each person picks one and I unfold it, taping it on their back. Once we all have our items, the game begins. I turn to go to Karin but see her talking to the other maknae I.N. I shrug and walk towards a lonely Jisung. "Hey Ji." He looks at me with widened eyes that then turn into a smirk. "Hey Rae." I playfully frown at him and we laugh. "Ok ok, am I sweet?" He walks behind me and checks my tag before coming back into my field of view. "Nope." He states and shakes his head. "Okay.. Am I salty?" "Nope." He states again. "I forgot how hard this game was." I mutter and he laughs. "How about you ask a question Ji." He nods. "Am I salty?" I shake my head "Nope"
We laugh. "I wonder if your my other half." He jokes making me laugh harder. "If you are I hope we don't figure it out too fast." I joke nervously, making him tilt his head. "How come?" He asks curiously. "Well, whoever finds their partner first and last has to do the peperro game with their partner." His eyes widen. "You didn't mention that before!" Some of the members look over and I take his hand, dragging him to the corner. "I forgot!" He shakes his head softly and laughs at me, making me playfully frown once more. "Am I food?" I ask, he shakes his head again. "Nope." I look up at the ceiling thinking as determined as ever. Then an idea pops into my head. "Ah! Am I fire?" His face lights up at my reaction and he smiles at me. Why is he looking at me like that? "Yes you are." I do a little dance and then I realize something, making my eyes go wide. "What?" He asks as I look up at him with a nervous smile. "I cant really tell you." I pause "Just keep asking." I shrug and he does the same. "Am I an object?" I nod and he thinks harder. "Am I honey?" I shake my head. He thinks again and looks at me with the knowing look I gave him during my turn. "Am I water?" He asks shyly, slowly truning red. I nod and take a deep breath in. I grab his hand in mine and walk to the mic we previously set up for this game. "The first couple has been made. Raejin and Jisung." Everyone looks over and the original members jaws drop. "Unnie you have to play the peperro game!" I turn red and speak again, "I know." The new members look at each other confusedly, causing me to explain. "I may have forgot to mention that the first and last couples to be made have to play the peperro game." I said through reluctant breaths. The new members faces lite up "Ooooooh!" Hyunjin starts "Jisung and Raejin sitting in a tree." "K.I.S.S.I.N.G" Everyone chimes in. "Im going to kill you all!" I yell, earning screams from all over the room.They run around as I chase them. I trip and fall into Daewon, taking him with me. We land on the floor and bonk heads, almost kissing. Our eyes widen and I look up at him. "Uh, sorry?" He laughs at me and gets up, offering me a hand after dusting himself off. I laugh with him and grab his hand. "SALT!" Karin screams at the other younger I.N before grabbing his hand and dragging him up to me. I look at her with a smirk and she rolls her eyes playfully. "Couple 2, I.N and Karin!" The game continues until theres 4 people left. Chaeni, Seungmin, Felix, and Eunsoo. Chaeni and Eunsoo come up to me interlocking hands and smiling like babies. I give them each a warm smile before walking back to the microphone and announcing the last 2 teams, "Couple 7, Chaeni and Eunsoo!" I look at the remaining boys and snicker into the mic. "Couple 8, Felix and Seungmin!" There faces turn pale as Jisung and I behind to laugh. We fall on the floor and roll around, causing me to roll into his arms. My face is in his chest and im still laughing, tears streaming down my face. He sits us up, taking me with him and smiling at me. He wipes my tears with the sleeve of his sweater before continuing to watch me. I calm myself down and open my eyes to find him stares at me with a smile. "What?" I ask and He shrugs with the same stupid smile on his face. He stands up, pulling me with him. Eunsoo yells "Time for the peperro game!!" I turn red and make eye contact with a shocked Felix. We dramatically fake cry and fall into each others arms in the middle of the subconsciously made circle of all the members. Eunsoo comes back with the peperro in her hands and gives one to me and Felix. She walks up to me and Jisung first. "So, who's going to be holding the peperro." She smirks at us and Jisung points to me. "I am?" I ask nervously and he nods competitively. He looks over at Felix who has the same tendencies. "I'm going to win!" Han blows a raspberry at Felix as the other boy shakes his head ferociously, "No you arent!" I laugh at the twins interaction and put the peperro into my mouth, waiting for Eunsoo to count down. "Jisung and Raejin start in 1,2,3!" Han brings a hand to my jaw, holding it seductively with three fingers as he bites quick, slowly closing in on me. His lips brush against mine and I close my eyes, pulling my lips in tight. He moves in even closer and takes the last bite before pulling away. I open my eyes and catch a glimpse of my tomato red face in the mirror. I spit out the small piece and hold it in my hand. Eunsoo yells and the boys look at whats left of the stick, Jisung smirks as the new members gave him glares. Thats odd. Eunsoo pulls out a ruler and puts it to the bread stick. "WOAH, Its .3 of a cm!" My face reddens more as I make the mistake of looking over at Jisung who winks at me. Turning my head immediately towards Felix, I crawl towards him and bang my head on his chest repeatedly. He rubs his hands up and down my back. "Uh, Ji?" Jisung looks at us. "I think you broke her." He laughs but his gaze darkens as he watches Felix's hand on my back. What is happening? "Unnie move!" Chaeni yells "Yeah! I want to see the embarrassment!" I sigh humorously at my members dramatically putting my hand on my heart "I've raised you well." "MOVE!" They yell in response. "OK IM GOING!" I defend as everyone chuckles. I head towards the back end before locking eyes with Hyunjin. He pats the empty spot next to him with a soft smile. Oh?

Please be kind with this story! I wrote it a long time ago and even the biggest edits can't fix the grammatical errors.  😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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