Chapter 3: City of Atlantide

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It's the next day and I'm just standing outside, thinking about what to explore in the city, then Sam walked over.

S: "Hmm, what I will find just wandering the city."

Sam: "Hey Sky."

S: "Oh hey.
How's it going?"

Sam: "Going good, what are you doing?"

S: "Getting ready to go around the city, to get myself well known with the area."

Sam: "Oh ok. If you want, I can tag along and help."

S: "Alright, sound good to me."

We began walking around the city, she explained to me the different things in the city, as we were walking we saw a group of people gathered in a market, so we walked over.

Sam: "So this is the market, not a lot happens here, it's pretty much empty cause most of the more well known stores are around the outer side of Atlantide."

S: "Ooh, ok."

I accidentally ran into one of the people in the group, turns out the group is one of the guilds out and about.

S: "Ow.

A guy in a white coat walked over.

?: "Oi, you need to watch were your goin."

?: "David, calm down, it was an accident."

David(Da): "Well he should've watched where he was going Matt."

Matt(M): "Still it was an accident. I'm sorry sir."

S: "All good, he's right I need to watch where I'm going.
I'm new to town so I have no clue where I'm going, so I'm just getting a feel of Atlantide."

M: "Oh ok.
Well, my name is Matt, this one is David.
Who are you two?"

Sam: "My name is Sam and this is Sky."

M: "Nice to meet the both of you."

S: "I saw a group over here, I didn't know what was going on.
So I came over to see what's up."

?: "Just guild business, which is non of yours."

S: "Understandable, we'll continue on our way then."

We began walking before the guy teleported Infront of us.

M: "Devin, what are you doing?!"

Devin(De): "He comes and bothers us, she can go, he's staying."

S: "I don't understand what the fuss is about."

De: "I remember you."

S: "I don't even know you."

De: "Don't pull that on me, you destroyed Divinus Magia, from the ground up. Practically almost killing us."

M: "Huh?!"

I just sat there confused.

De: "Nick."

Nick(N): "Yes?"

De: "Check if he's lying about not know what I'm talking about."

Nick scanned me.

N: "It's all true.
He has no clue what your talking about.
He doesn't even know how he got here.
He only remembers his name, age, and power, other than that.
No memories found."

De: "Brandon, what do you think of this?"

Brandon(Br): "I don't think he's the person you're thinking of, that guy is 6'3 and all dark with white eyes.
This guy is nothing of that sort."

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