Best Friends with Zayn Malik

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  • Dedicated to Thea Abigail

Cazarah's POV

I was just here in my living room watching TV missing my best friend, he really is a good singer, his voice is perfect for his jet black quiff hair, brown eyes, cute smile, and Bradford accent. I really miss Zayn, now he's in a singing competition, while I'm here too singing with my band "Fifth Snow". It all started 1 week later when Zayn left for his audition for the X- Factor when I went to London to just explore.


I was just in my house in twitter  after I went to a near by park singing random songs in my ipod, missing Niall. Then someone knocked on my door, I went down stairs and found Simon Cowell!?! 

"Uhmm.. Are you the girl singing in the park this morning?"  he asked

"Y-yes, I am" I sluttered still in shock

"Ah, just the girl I was looking for"

"Huh? Why were you looking for me?" I asked, confused

"Well, I was just strolling at the park this morning, then I heard you sing and well you have a gifted voice, so I was thinking that you could come to SYCO and try singing a few songs so I can sign you a singing contract... That is if you are interested" he said

"Really?!? Yes I would love too!" 

"Great! so here's my card visit me tomorrow at 10 am Ms?" 

"Valentine, Nyaz Cazarah Valentine. You can call me Nyaz or Cazarah"

"Well then Nyaz see you tomorrow, then." he said. Then I shut the door thinking did that just happen? I went to skype and told my parents and brother about and told me that they were very proud of me and to go for it, I mean what do I have to loose right?


So the next day I went to SYCO, now I'm in a studio room where Simon's secretary told me to wait for his, then four girls entered the room. I stood up and said

"Hi! I'm Nyaz Cazarah Valentine you can call me Nyaz or Cazarah, I'm guessing your also here for Simon?" I asked

"Uhm... Yeah I'm Liana Jamie Fuente, call me Lia" a girl said with a pink shirt, brown/ black hair and black/ grey eyes 

"I'm Bianca May West, please call me Bea" she has dirty blonde hair and an Irish/ American accent while eating a biscuit

"Are you Irish/ American?" I asked and she just nodded continuing eating her food

"I'm Thea Abigail Moore!, Thea! I'm Lia's BFF!" she was very active and she was wearing a really nice yellow TOMS, she had hazel eyes and brunette hair

"And I'm Jhudiel Therese Myst, Jhudz for short." she was wearing a checkered shirt, she had a yellow/gold/brownish hair

So while waiting for Simon we talked about a lots of things, learned many things about each other and I also told them about Zayn and stuff. Now we were laughing because of a joke Thea told us it was hilarious, Bea was already teared up by the cause of laughing too hard. Then Lia said 

"Hey! while waiting for Simon why not sing some songs" we all agreed then sang Today My Life Begins by Bruno Mars (-just pretend that the song existed in this year) when Jhudz finished the last part of the song we heard two people clapping, we turned around and saw Simon with a girl clapping, so we talked about it and decided to become a band and named it "Girls Forever", then Simon told us that the girl he was clapping with will be our manager Marianny Russo but she told us to call her Rainy instead she was just like 3/4 years older than us

~End of Flashback~

That was 2 years ago we already released our 2nd album "Together Forever", I haven't really talked to Zayn for 2 years he said he would call but never did, not even a text or a letter, I wonder if he forgot about me and our friendship, it breaks my heart because I had feelings for Zayn and I still do, now he's in a band called One Direction, they came in third place in the X- Factor 2010 now they were the world's biggest boy band while the girls and I were the world's biggest girl band, they were also under SYCO records. Then the door opened and heard someone yell "HONEY! I"M HOME!" I looked around to see the that the girls have arrived.

"What took you guys so long?" I asked

"Well we were on our way home when Lia, Thea and Bea here wanted to go to the park" Jhudz said 

"What the park was fun!" Lia defended herself, someone knocked on the door it was Rainy we all greeted her, and Bea asked why she was here, then she told us we were going to have our 2nd world tour! All of us were excited then she said

"You will also be on tour with another band!" she said exitedly

"Who is it?!?" we all asked impatiently




who do you think it is?


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