Welcome to the Army

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(In this, we are all dragons, possibly your OCs, or some dragons you picked especially for this)

So, welcome to the army! I am General Conch of the SeaWings, and you have picked general.

You are now in command of the soldiers, and you are a target for the enemy armies. I doubt that you really want to die, so the generals are always highly guarded. You are here because you ship Fathingo, and many other ships.

If you have picked Assassin, comment here------>

There are an infinite number of Assassins, as we need as much as we can get.

I am Stealth, one of the assassins.

Anyway, to be an assassin, you have to be extremely sneaky. You have to be stealthy, silent, and fast. Many assassins have code names, and usually their real names are never known. You also have to have a weapon that is portable, like a dagger. An assassin is dangerous when they are animui. But to be an assassin, you must be able to resist going over to the opposite sides in the war.

If you have picked Animus, or Animus apprentice, comment here---->

The following paragraph(s) are for both animui and animui apprentices.

An animui is dangerous, and they can do virtually anything, except bring back the dead. But therer is a price--they lose their soul from each spell cast. Many have fallen to this magic. And to you, animus apprentice, the same goes to you as it did to your mentor.

If you picked Spy, comment here------>

We need all we can get.

Hello there, fellow spy. Spies are supposed to infiltrate things, and tear them apart from the inside. Some of them report to the leaders, and sometimes to the assassins, so they can take out the leaders. Be careful, and good luck!

If you picked Medic, comment here------->

We need all we can get.

Welcome! I am Feather of the SkyWings, and I'm the leader of the Medics. I also am in the Turtlejou army, but I cycle through both armies. I would say that we are the most important dragons in the armies, but that goes to the Generals and the Animui, along with the Assassins. You also will recieve some battle training from the Soldiers, so you can defend yourself.

If one of your comrades falls, either from battle or wounds, don't feel bad that you couldn't save them. It wasn't your fault.

If one does fall, strike down the killer. Avenge them.

If you picked Soldier, comment here------->

Hello there! A soldier must be ready for anything. You must learn to adapt to different situations. Say you're a SkyWing, fighting near the ocean. Adapt! Eventually, you will become a soldier, and released into battle.

If you have picked Weaponsmith, comment here-------->

Hello there. Anyway, welcome to the weaponsmiths! We forge the weapons that spill blood and take life, the ones that are wielded by our fellow campmates. We are probably the most important ones in the group. Good luck!

If you picked Cook, comment here------------->

Hi, um, since you picked Cook, the help is always appreciated. We make food and rations for the army. Thanks for joining!

If you picked Builder, comment here----->

I don't really know if anyone would fit, so I'll just explain as a random dragon.

Hi, and welcome to the Builders! We build the base for the Fathingo army, and we help the Cooks and Weaponsmiths by getting them supplies.

Okay, I think that's everything! So, I hope this helps. Thanks for reading, and please comment if you want your army/ies to ally with mine.

May StarClan light your path!

770 words!

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