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My eyes were moving back and fourth, as my mother was beating on one of her opps. I drank my diet Pepsi, the fizzy drink leaving a stinging sensation inside my delicate nose. I clapped my hands twice, yelling at my mother to beat her opp's ass.

My enemy of 6 years, Roman approached me, worried. He tapped my shoulder as he was out of breath from running.

"The fuck is going on here?" He exclaimed, pointing over to my momma, she was getting hair-pulled by her opp.

"Fight, dumbass." I muttered, drinking my diet Pepsi once again.

He raised his eyebrow ash he crossed his arms, looking back to my momma.

"Cmon Momma! You got this! Beat her ass up!"I yelled.

My momma got up, holding her opp's arm and literally breaking it. Her opp screamed in pain as my mom got on top of her opp, punching her repeatedly. She kept punching her opp until she was bleeding, tears were swelling in the opp's eyes as her nose was broken.

"Alright ma, that's enough" I said, telling her to stop.

My mom kept repeatedly punching her, the opp receiving a black eye. The opp was bleeding hard, cuts and bruises all over her nose and T-Zone.

"Momma  thats enough!" my sister yelled, along with other women who had come to see this fight.

My mom's eyes we're full of years as she kept punching the shit out of her opp. Her opp had now passed out.

"Momma you gotta sto-"


Silence. I covered my mouth in shock, I looked over at me sister who had her hands on her head. Roman was shocked too.

"Oh shit.." Roman muttered.

My eyes swelled with tears, a lump forming in my throat. I hurried over to my mom, rolled her over and she laid there. Dead. I covered my hand over my mouth as I screamed in emotional pain. My sister came over to me, crying as she hugged me.

"Who did this? WHO DID THIS?!?" I yelled.

The woman who shot my mother smirked as she held up her gun, shrugging. I got up and tried to pounce at her, but my sister held me back. She ran away as the opp who was fighting my mother ran away with her.

"No.. NO!!" I screamed, years running down my face.

Roman just stood there, with a shocked expression as he had his hands on his mouth. My wails and screaming could be heard from a mile away, as everyone except me and my sister stood there in silence.


I sat there in a loud silence, holding a picture me and my mom 7 years ago. It had been exactly 7 months since my mother died. I had not been eating, barely talking and basically rotting in my bed only getting up for showers. I had trouble sleeping, painful memories and flashbacks lingered in the back of my only revealing themselves at night. My family was worried for me, and I wasn't even worried for myself. I will rot in my room until my mother walks out of her grave.

Someone knocked at the door, letting themselves in after hearing no response from me.

"Your sister said- oh." Roman said, closing the door behind him as he came over to sit beside me.

"You missing your mom?" Roman asked, furrowing his brows.


He but his hand on my shoulder as he sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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