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I'm sitting at a table surrounded by people who are so different and yet so similar that they can't help but be compatible. From where I sit I can see a bright blue sky through the window and rays of light streaming in and catching various things that have been scattered about the room.

Laughter, I can hear it clearly and I feel something that I can't quite explain (won't stop me from trying though :D)

Jokes cross the table getting caught in the middle and added to the ever growing list. There's no filter present and no metaphorical red lights felt. The air is comfortable lacking any stress or anxiety that before that bell rang was there.

In plain and simple terms its nice.

Messy painted fingers are watched with wild gestures waving them frantically about in mid air.

Mecheivous smirks are shared and traded like Pokémon cards. You gotta catch them all!

And how do you describe something like this, something that no amount of careful planning could ever recreate with such perfect results. The answer is that you can't. It's indescribable!

And should know as I've tried to NUMEROUS FLIPPING TIMES!!!! I've tried with paper and pens and sentences but you can't write it down on paper because it can't be captured and subdued. It can't be and never was scripted. Simple, easy, effortless and perfect!

It's fanatic fan girls with well thought out theory's used as weapons

It's endless OTPs and shipping

It's put-downs & zingers & "oh shots have been fired!" Each said with more love then originally thought possible.

And it's been one hell of a year!!!!

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