Catch Up {8}

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It was your day off! You and Lemonade have been working hard around the bakery it was time you needed a break

Licorice was sitting on a stool while lemonade was playing with some of the toys raincoat and fruit basket gave them while you were making a new much for a break

"Didn't you say you were going to take a break? Why are you making another cake" licorice spouted "Well, I can't just stand here and do nothing all day" You said, Placing a small kiwi on top of the cake

"That's the whole point of a break, idiot" He inquired with a huff, you sighed, honestly you didn't really want to have a day off, at least you were doing something useful then

Continuing the cake it looked well completely done, you grabbed a peice of plastic wrapping it up with a small bow on top

"Who even is that for, (name)?" Lemonade asked coming up to the counter looking up at you "Well, I've been thinking of a new cake and well, I wanted an old friend to try it for me" you smiled

"Old friend?" Licorice asked, "His name is Caramel apple cookie, he's been living here for a while now, the old man barely has any visitors" you frowned

"It'd be nice to see him again too, y'know before it's to late" You grabbed the small cake "You can come if you want" you smiled, Lemonade raised their hand happily, following after you, licorice groaned but came anyway

"Where does he live, (name)?" Lemonade asked holding onto your hand while licorice walked beside them, "Well, he lives on the beach on a little hut" you smiled looking at the cake in your hands

"Hey, don't forget about me now" You heard a familiar voice, you looked back to see honeysuckle cookie, you stiffened holding Lemonade's hand tightly

"Ugh, what do you want" Licorice groaned at him "Well hello to you too" Honeysuckle greeted "Where are you all heading to?" He grinned "Uh... To the beach" you said

"Hm, I would be delighted to join but, I'll have to open my bakery soon" Honeysuckle explained, "Oh well that's to bad... Let's go-" licorice pulled onto you and Lemonade

"Oh? Well see you later" Honeysuckle tipped his hat, turning back to his bakery

"Why did you want to leave so quickly..." Lemonade asked licorice, looking back at honeysuckle cookie "Oh, err.. W-well we had to go to Caramel apple cookie's house right?" Licorice excused himself

"I guess.." lemonade said quietly, looking down at their boots tapping on the ground, The sounds of the ocean were getting closer untill you could finally see it

The spring water swished around clashing with the sand, a small wood hut sat by the beach around palm trees, Caramel apple sat by his porch rocking back and forth with his rocking chair carefully listening to the ocean waves

"Is that him?" Lemonade asked curious as their eyes wandered around, "Mhm" you grinned seeing the cookie again, walking up to him, licorice followed after looking at the old cookie suspiciously

Caramel apple lifted up his eye lazily looking at us before shutting his eye "..mmh.. It's nice to see you here again (name)" he said softly looking at the other cookies near you though shrugging it away

"It's nice to see you too caramel apple" you waved slightly holding the cake "And who might they be?" He asked referring to lemonade and licorice, "Hm? These are my friends! This is lemonade, and licorice" you smiled

Lemonade grew shy around the cookie holding on licorices robe, "..mhm.. I'm glad you're making friends now.. it'll get lonely by the time you get old.. hold onto them tightly" caramel apple sighed rocking back and forth

"Lonely..?" Lemonade asked "..mhm.. yes, sometimes you forget important things in your life.. and maybe one day they'll be gone" caramel apple reminisced in the past

Lemonade stayed silent, though her outlook on life changed a bit from the old cookies words, making them smile, you giggled handing caramel apple the cake "..hmm... What's this.." he touched the cake on his lap

"It's a cake! Ive been making a few more new recipes for you to try" you smiled happily "Thank you.." he opened the small wrapped up cake taking the plastic fork sitting on the plate before trying it

", once again, you have amazed me (name), I'm glad you visited me" Caramel apple smiled softly, "I'm glad you like it" you grinned happily,

Lemonade looked at the beach, the sandy shores brightened the area reflecting the sun, seeing a young cookie walk by, it was their dear friend Taiyaki cookie fishing near the harbor making Lemonade smile

"(Name)! (Name)! Can I go see Taiyaki cookie??" Lemonade became enthusiastic, smiling brightly at you, making you laugh nodding at them, making them shine brighter, speedily going to their dear friend

Licorice looked at the two cookies he seemed a bit wary or nervous in a way, "Are you alright licorice?" You asked, "H-huh?! It's nothing - I- agh-" he groaned stomping to the ocean, sitting down there

"Hm, that was weird" you looked at them, "..hmm.. he just has a lot in his mind... Life can be stressful at times.." Caramel apple watched as licorice sat there "..mmh.. you should talk to him.. I feel like you'd be able to understand him the most, (name)" caramel apple continued to sleep on his rocking chair

Understand him? Why would caramel apple think you could understand him, he's one of the cookies you understand the least! Though.. it would be nice to get to know him better..

You sighed, complying to the beach walking up to licorice, "Hey, are you alright you were acting weird earlier" you stood next to him looking at the spring water beach "It's none of your business alright..!" Licorice hid himself "You don't have to talk about it" you plopped down beside him

"..." Licorice stayed silent, his eyes were fidgeting left and right, "I don't have that many friends... I'm not good at making friends either, you and Lemonade make it look so easy making friends and such.." licorice curled his legs, moving a bit to the side

You patted his shoulder gently, surprising him, "It's not really easy making friends, sometimes friendships don't work, you just have to find the right ones" you said, sitting with him looking at the beach

Licorice stayed silent for a while, lost in thought ".. what about I help you make friends hm?" You smiled requesting to him "...that would be.. nice" he softened his voice looking at the ocean with you peacefully


I had to stay up to finish this I didn't want y'all to keep waiting  😭 anyway hope you enjoyed

"A Piece Of Cake- !". ✮  Licorice cookie x reader- !Where stories live. Discover now