Was never right to begin with

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Before Jungkook could remove the the coat ,a hard slap came at his soft cheek that was covered with tears , the person who slapped him was none other than his love , boyfriend, husband , his everything . The cheek didn't hurt at all but the world around him went all numb . In all those 6 years, he got slapped by him for the first time just because he believed some girl's fake words .

Tae's POV
I slapped him ?? How could I do this ?? I never meant to do this !!

The hand that he slapped jk with was slightly shaking and he was about to say something when jk looked him and his expression hold so much . He looked so hurt , betrayed which he was but there was no anger just a hurt expression that tae never saw before . It made him regret slapping him so much and jk then stood him with holding his check and said stuttering with tears flowing nonstop "y-you s-la-pped m-me" . Before tae could say anything Jungkook raised his voice and yelled "I GOT IN AN ACCIDENT AND MY CAR HIT THE POLE ON THE SIDEWALK AND I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL AND MY ARM IS PLASTERED" he removed his coat to show his arm to tae . Tae's eyes widened it made him regret hitting him even more and couldn't form a word and then Jungkook started yelling at him again " I ORIGINALLY NEVER WANTED TO SHOW YOU  THIS , YOU WON'T CARE ANYWAY, BUT YOU SLAPPED BEFORE I COULD ACTUALLY TELL YOU WHERE I WAS AND EVEN CHANGED MY MIND TO SHOW YOU MY INJURY SO YOU. SO ,WON'T LEAVE ME AND WHAT ABOUT YOU !?!? YOU HIT ME BELIEVING THOSE FALSE WORDS BY HER !! NOW I FINALLY KNOW THAT YOU NEVER LOVED ME !! YOU NEVER EVEN LIKED ME TO BEGIN WITH" . Jungkook finally calmed down a bit while tae stood there wide-eyed and then jk's tears started flowing again ... and said something that the both never in this whole universe thought that this term will be used for each other "taehyung, I hate you , no , I despise you" .

Finally, taehyung's tears started flowing down after hearing those words while Jungkook ran away in the cold with a thin layer of clothing and the worst of all it was raining . Taehyung wanted to run after him but Lina stopped him but taehyung withdrew his hand from her harshly and yelled at her "just fucking leave me alone , I never want to see you again , don't ever show your face in-front of  me"and she did as he told him to but she wasn't even a bit sad about it , she never had any feelings for taehyung she did all this for her dad's company .

Her dad's company used to be the best company in Korea before the "jeon cooperation, Kim cooperations and park entertainment" companies  were built . So , she thought if she breaks apart one from Kim and one from Jeon their company will be at the top again . (But it will never be true at-least until the mafia recovers his memories, but if the plans get changed and he don't forget what she did to him , her and her family will be crushed within half an hour )

With jk

Jk was just running in the rain didn't know where to go . So , he thought of going to his parents house which will take 3 hours by running and he just wanted to run . He thought he might calm down

With tae

He went to his room , fell on his bed and the tears kept coming out .
It was internally killing him over what he has done and out of all people to jk
After 3 hours of crying, he drifted to sleep .

Jk's parents POV
We were sleeping when we heard our doorbell ringing nonstop and we both woke up to check in who it was and when we saw him our eyes widened.......

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