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(Y/Ns POV)
I walked into Red's Lab and heard what sounded like someone crying. I followed the sound and found Red lying on the floor hugging his knees. I immediately rushed over to him concerned. I had never seen Red act like this before and it was making me worry. "Red?" I say as I reach over to touch his shoulder, only for him to turn around and tackle me into a hug. I looked (up/down) at him as my face heated up. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back.  "I'm sorry Y/N..." I hear him say quietly. I knew he was apologizing for turning me into a Rainbow Friend, I wanted to forgive him but I couldn't just yet. Suddenly the doors to the lab burst open to reveal Blue and Orange.  As soon as they spotted me they immediately rushed over. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY DID THIS RED!!!" Orange shouts as tears begin to form in his eyes. "Guy's I'm fine ok..." I say as I look to my friends.  "But Y/N, your a monster now..."Blue begins to say before I cut him off. "Blue I may be a monster now but that doesn't mean I won't begin to like my new body." I say smiling. "Now how about we all play some (favorite video game)." I shout as I drop Red after realizing I was still hugging him.

Being a Rainbow Friend was actually a lot harder than I thought it would be. Turns out my (short/long) legs were hard to move around with, along with many other problems my new body causes. I would actually still help Red out with some of his many tasks he has to do around the Play Place. Today we were going to Oddworld where there were apparently some more Rainbow Friends. As me and Red walked through the wooded pathway to a back way entrance to Oddworld I could feel his eyes looking (up/down) at me. I was about to ask why he was staring at me when I heard what sounded like a propeller?. Suddenly a large Yellow Pterodactyl Rainbow Friend with a propeller attached to it's back lands in front of us. "RED YOUR BACK!!!" It says from pure excitement.  It's excitment quickly disappeared as soon as it saw me. "AHHHH STRANGER DANGER!!!" It shouts as it takes off into the air again. I looked (up/down) at red to see him shaking his head in disappointment.  "Who was that?" I ask Red. "That was Yellow." He says with an annoyed sigh. "He's really shy and has a bit of stage fright." Red says looking up at the sky. "So he's not usually seen often unless it's with Cyan." Red says looking at me. "Cyan?" I ask confused. "Ah yes Cyan, why don't we go introduce you to her." Red says grabbing me by the arm and pulling me into the back entrance of Oddworld. 'Wait....HER?!' I thought shocked.

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