Chapter 17

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The slurping sound wasn't disgusting, the hunger was speaking. Naruto had nothing to offer him in his house, so both of them came to the convenience store. Sasuke's bowl of noodles was smoking hot, so was Naruto's. Sasuke wasn't a fan of ramen noodles. He just mimicked what Naruto wanted to have.

"Your lips are greasy, here's some tissue." Naruto offered. Sasuke gently wiped his lips and then tossed it into the trash bin. "Damn who could have thought that slurping on some noodles like this would actually hit the spot." Sasuke was dramatic. But Naruto felt nothing wrong with it. He asked,"Is this your first time eating here?"

"No, but I don't actually come here." Sasuke spoke. Naruto was not dumbfounded as there was many characteristics of Sasuke which made him widen his eyes. Naruto chuckled only handing him one of the sausages he just heated up. He spoke,"Try this." Sasuke took it silently.

" shouldn't display your relationship with your brother before the whole school. I know it's none of my business but still...." Naruto couldn't finish the whole sentence as it really was none of his business. He was even sternly told that he shouldn't stick his nose into someone else's business.

"My brother and I used to be close once." When Sasuke spoke up, Naruto didn't expect him to speak so calmly. "It was normal like any other relationships. My brother used to protect me, shield me from my father." Naruto's eyes were wide. He asked gently,"Then why did it change?"

Sasuke sighed once more lowering his head. He said,"Who knows? We grew up and along with it our paths diverted. The once familiar brother of mine changed into a new person, so did I." Sasuke couldn't speak out loud about how weak he used to be. When he used to come back home, he would have scars all over his body. His body wasn't strong and compared to the other kids in the kindergarten, he was short and fragile.

He had pale skin and dark hair, he looked delicate in the eyes of the other kids and turned into a subject of bullying. His father would stare at him with contempt whenever he would come back getting beaten up. He didn't dare to cry fearing that his father would be disappointed.

Sasuke remembered the words that came out of his father's mouth which had been stuck in his heart and mind. "You are an Uchiha. Go beat them or get killed" Sasuke was born as a disappointment. His older brother wasn't much different but when it came to Sasuke, it was a bit worse.

Before his father became the well-known and wealthy 'Uchiha', he was a good for nothing alcoholic who would beat his sons to lighten his heart. Who knew what caused such grief to him? Was it the death of Mikoto Uchiha? Sasuke had no idea.
He couldn't say that to anybody. Only one person knew who had his back since he was a kid, Neji. After his brother who would rush to protect him, there was also him.

Naruto patted his shoulder which anybody would do if they were in his place. Sasuke looked so pitiful even though his sorrow state wasn't revealed totally. Naruto said,"We all have our own sufferings." Then he grinned. Sasuke asked,"What about you?" Naruto was taken aback by the sudden question. He pointed to himself and asked,"Me?" Sasuke stared at him waiting for him to reveal some secrets about him. Naruto only chuckled and said mischievously,"Maybe I'll tell you someday."

That night they talked as if they knew each other for a long time. Sasuke walked Naruto back to his house and bid him farewell for the day. Until Naruto disappeared inside, Sasuke stood there. Why did he come here? What caused him to ask for forgiveness? Sasuke couldn't think anymore but every movement of Naruto was genuine. He didn't wish to join his group just to earn name. How many people would rush inside when the Uchiha brothers fought? There was only Neji who would always break in and then there was Naruto who had nothing to do with him. Naruto was a rare one.

The next day, Deidara came to pick him up as usual. Kushina would pester them to have breakfast together. Naruto left the house getting into Deidara's car. Naruto hid the fact that Sasuke visited him. Deidara would flip out if he revealed such a bizarre news. It was bizarre indeed.

"Who knows what's going to happen today." Excitement was brimming inside him. Naruto couldn't help but get annoyed. He asked,"Why are you guys always have to be so interested in their lives?" Deidara seemed offended by the response. He said,"What! Interested?? People would of course sneak some glances at a bunch of clowns."

The way Deidara started to bad mouth Sasuke didn't get liked by the moody blond person beside him. His gaze shifted to the busy road as it was morning hour. Sometimes there can be things that are hidden deep under the surface. The things which are same as deep cuts in the heart which never heals. It hurts when it's night, when you are all alone with only the terrible thoughts accompanying you through the night. That's why Naruto was unable to judge Sasuke, as if the hidden 'him' got only noticed by him.

The class hours passed and Naruto got up intending to find Deidara in the cafeteria. He couldn't find him no matter how much he looked. Naruto sighed as he walked back to the secluded corner with the food he bought. The practice field was empty and Naruto got the bleacher all to himself. But the peacefulness didn't last long.

A tall figure appeared and Naruto heart attempted to leap out of his chest. At the first glance Naruto was about to mistake the person for Sasuke but when his gaze landed on the raven, it was his older brother. The unfinished bun was dropped on the tray. As there was nobody except for the two, it was concerning for the blond. Maybe Itachi held some grudges because of the interruption the other day.

"Where is you 'friend'?" The question was equivalent to mockery. As Itachi found his prey all alone, he rushed. Naruto looked up. He spoke,"What friend?" Itachi's smirk resembled his younger brother. The similarity between them was terrifying. As if they were the two sides of one coin.

"Playing dumb, aren't we? However, shall I bless you with my company now that you are all alone?" Itachi spoke before claiming the seat beside Naruto. Naruto appeared to be unfazed. Naruto got back to what he intended to do in the first place. He kept eating the cream bun.

Itachi chuckled. He started to speak,"My brother, he has a got a lot of friends. I'm envious." Itachi's eyes darted and black clouds seemed to engulf that already dark gaze of his. Naruto looked back at him. Staring at his eyes which resembled Sasuke, Naruto felt the urge to console him somehow. As if Itachi and Sasuke weren't two human beings but the same.

"I do not understand." Naruto spoke. Itachi quirked his eyebrows. "Hmm?" He expressed. Naruto couldn't help but speak what was in his mind. He said,"Both of you seem so miserable. Is it hard to understand if you both sticked together, nothing could break you?" Itachi's eyes shone because of something foreign.

"What do you know about us?" Itachi asked but his gaze was cold. Something sparked as Naruto just hit the bullseye. Naruto shrugged his shoulders,"If you showcase the internal affairs of your family before the whole school, who wouldn't notice?" He said. "So you find us miserable?" Itachi asked in response.

Naruto could only flash a smile but Itachi's heart skipped a beat at the sight. 'Painful' something about that smile was painful. Naruto could not explain. He could not tell how much he could relate to the younger brother of Itachi. He couldn't tell how much sympathetic he was toward him. He couldn't tell about his view. All of it would be troublesome to explain. The words buried deep in his heart, could never be revealed.

"Try to be less nosey." Itachi said. He wanted to be more vicious, he wanted to appear as someone aweful. But that smile which Naruto showed poured cold water into that. Itachi was observant, more cunning than he appeared but he never was empathetic.

"Let me tell you, my brother is slightly messed up in his head. He only cares for himself. No matter how much care you show him, he still wouldn't bat an eye on you. See? You heard about his ex girlfriend didn't you? She died and my little brother feels no remorse. I'm proud of him." Itachi revealed a wicked grin. Naruto felt chills. Although he didn't believe the first half of his statement but the other half was a bitter truth. What was Sasuke actually? Naruto really couldn't tell.

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