✨Another surprise✨

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"Nana, was it really you performing last night?!" Taeyong asked after he entered the playroom while dropping off Haechan. "You were amazing! How come I never saw you practiced?"

Nara, who was about to play with the Littles, nodded and shrugged. "I didn't practiced beforehand. I practiced, I think it was an hour or 40 minutes before the shows started. No biggie." Taeyoung's jaw dropped as he was surprised and impressed by her ability to learn 2 routines in an hour.

"Nara, you never told us you were a JYP's trainee before?!" Yuta and Jaehyun barged in as they were dropping off Mark. The two Littles cheered when they saw each other and went to play together while their brothers cornered Nara. "You never told us about it. I thought you looked familiar when I saw you for the first time. You were in the show 'Sixteen'." Jaehyun added and the other two nodded as they agreed.

Nara sighed and bite her bottom lips before confessing, "I never wanted anyone to know except for the one who already knew. Even Yi En didn't know I was a trainee there. But now.. the whole world knows about it and I think Mr. Lee knows about it as well. Unfortunately." And sighed again.

"So... Have you thought about finally debuting as an idol?" Ten suddenly appeared out of nowhere, startling the four of them before they heard the Littles cheered again as XiaoHenYang came to join the other two. "Sorry. Heng Heng asked if we could sneak in on you guys. But seriously... Have you thought about it? You are very talented, Nana." The other three nodded again. Nara thought for awhile and shook her head.

"I don't think I want to debut after watching you guys being stalked, have crazy fans, you barely have any free time and everything you do is being controlled. I know it's all about the thrill of entertaining your fans with your songs, being an inspiration to someone, but I don't think I want it after being out of the limelight and just living a normal life for years. Nathan and Yi En had suggested for years for me to build my own company or team to manage all my schedule, activities, appointments everything like them, but that's not the life I wanted. And yes... I helped Nathan with his demo, that's it. I just want to live free without any paparazzi or media watching my every moves. So to me, last night was a one time thing and I'm just doing a favour for the girls." The four looked at each other as they were trying to convince her or something, but before any of them could say anything, Nara interrupted.

"Don't bother convincing me. My mind is set and ask Nathan if you have further questions." She gave them a smile before attending to her babies as she finally went to play with them.

"형.. You think Nathan형can convince her into debuting?" Jaehyun asked as if Nara just gave him an idea. "I still think 누나 should debut with that voice and talent of her. I mean it has been 8 years since she last performed, yet she still sounded like a professional idol in two performances."

"Which she mastered in 40 minutes to an hour." Taeyong stated as it was a fact before the other's jaw dropped. "I'll try to convince Nathan형 into convincing her to debut."

A few hours later...

"Nathan, no! Please?!" Nara shouted when she received a phone call from him after she put the Littles down for their nap and went outside to answer it. "I know what I said in the past about wanting to debut, but my mind changed. I don't want to debut! Please?"

"I know, but I saw the performance and you were amazing, Nana. Everyone who watched it, said you were awesome even Dad and Tiana." Said Nathan as he was trying to convince her. Apparently Taeyong really did contacted the brother as soon as the four of them to leave the playroom and somehow managed to convince the brother that letting her debut is a great way to showcase her talent to the world. "Please Nana?"

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