Chapter Five ㅡ Confrontation With The Reality.

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''Get the fuck out of my sight... I don't wanna see you anymore... ''

Seungmin pressed his lips together and nodded, he shifted his gaze away from the older's eyes and turned to the ground instead.

''I'm sorry, hyung...'' He whispered and Minho slowly let his collar loose. He backed away from Seungmin slowly and sighed, feeling his anger fading upon seeing the younger's condition.

''Don't hang out with him so much. '' He said. Seungmin shot his head up in confusion, he blinked his eyes a series of times (which was a habit he picked up from Minho) and finally let out a hoarse: ''Huh?''

Seungmin internally cringed at the cracking of his voice, but his throat burned like hell, due to all the crying he had done in the past few minutes.

Minho doesn't answer. Instead, he turns on his heel and walks a few steps away. Only to halt later. ''Felix. ''

He finally turned around to meet the younger's eyes. ''Don't hang out with Felix so much. '' He completes and finally walks away.

Seungmin only gazes at the older's figure, slowly disappearing within his hindsight. He rubs his dried tears away slowly, hissing at the pain probably caused by insistently rubbing them so much. He then lets out a loud exhale, before walking away.


Seungmin didn't go back to the practice room, no. Their manager advised them to go back to their dorms. It was silent, the entire car ride. None of the members uttered even a single word, it was like awkward silence. Seungmin felt the guilt creeping up to his throat each time he spared Minho a glance but forced himself to swallow it because there was nothing else he could do.

Soon, the car ride was over, meaning they had arrived at their homes safe and sound. All the eight boys got off and made their way inside their bedrooms.

Seungmin scurried off the car, feeling his steps move at a faster pace than others and made his way right in front of his room. However, he was stopped just as he was about to turn his doorknob.

He looked over behind him and saw Chan, standing with an expression he couldn't quite read. The older cleared his throat and pointed towards his bedroom (which was right beside his own)

''I want to have a talk with you... and Minho. '' He said. Seungmin didn't say anything. Rather, he nodded and walked with Chan towards his room. He couldn't ignore the leader's words anyways.

However, Seungmin did feel the nervousness ticking inside him upon seeing Minho, sitting on a chair near the study table. Seungmin ignored and went to have a seat on the bed.

Chan sat down right in front of both of them and spared them a look. ''The manager told me about your... situation. '' He starts off.

Seungmin expected it, he saw it coming. But that didn't stop him from being nervous. He felt his heart drumming against his ears now, begging to burst out but he controlled his emotions by taking a deep breath. Seungmin didn't turn to look at Minho, the latter was already disappointed in him. He didn't wanna make him angrier.

''I'm sorry, I wasn't aware of it, guys... I haven't been on Twitter for a while due to our busy schedules-''

''You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. '' Minho spoke up. Chan sighed and nodded.

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