Chapter 8: Auntie Isabelle

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Lily walks into the living room, still sucking on her pacifier. She joins Rosie on the couch, who has Candy in one hand and the remote in the other, sucking on her pacifier as well. Lily looks at the television and sees that Rosie picked out Frozen. Rosie gives Lily the remote and Lily starts the movie. Rosie curls her small body into Lily, wrapping her small arms around Lily's back, with Lily reciprocating the cuddles, Candy the stuffed unicorn between the two. The two matching outfit girls watch Frozen intently, cuddled together closely. They felt the happiest they have in their lives.

Suddenly,  about half an hour later, they hear a knock on the door. Rosie, scared of strangers, holds Candy tight for comfort. Lily pauses the movie, gets up, removes her pacifier from her mouth, and goes to answer the door. When she opens it, she is surprised to see Isabelle with pizzas. "Hi Lily! After hearing what happened on the phone, I wanted to do something for you to help you feel better! That, and I wanted to see the new baby.", Isabelle says. Lily, being somewhat in little space herself at the moment, simply gestured Isabelle to come inside, which she happily obliged to. "It seems like you took my advice. You look so adorable in that Lily!", Isabelle exclaims, finding her boss' appearance to be very cute currently. Isabelle sets the pizzas on the kitchen table and looks over to Lily, who is currently crawling toward the couch to rejoin her baby girl. Isabelle then looks at Rosie, loving the matching outfits and finding Rosie's pigtails so cute. Lily gets onto the couch, and Isabelle joins them. 

"Looks like you two babies need somebody to care for you. Let auntie Isabelle help you two girls eat din-din.", Isabelle said. Part of Lily wanted to say that she could feed herself and Rosie, but she could feel her mind slipping more and more, so she didn't argue it. Isabelle got up and went into the kitchen to get the food for the babies, during which Rosie asked, "Who dat?". "That's my assistant at work, Isabelle. She came over to meet you and help mommy feel better.", Lily replied. "That's right!", Isabelle says, giggling. "Auntie Isabelle is gonna help you babies feel better." the lavender haired girl continues. Isabelle cuts up Lily and Rosie's slices into small pieces and carefully and gently feeds the regressed girls. Lily and Rosie finish their meals, and Isabelle quickly eats hers. "Oh, before I forget, I got another present for you, Lily!", Isabelle says enthusiastically. Isabelle goes out to her car and brings it in: a large crib, fit perfectly for Lily's size. Lily eyes widen when she sees it. "Fow me?", Lily asks, having fully joined Rosie in little space. "Yes, for you! Smart baby!", Isabelle coos at Lily. Isabelle takes the crib and puts it in the nursery upstairs. "There we go, now baby Lily can sleep in the nursery too if she wants!", Isabelle exclaims. Isabelle then unpauses the movie and finishes watching it with them. Lily, back in her adult head space says, "This was amazing! Thank you so much Isabelle for everything!". "No problem Lily, you two are just so cute!", Isabelle replies.

Lily looks out the window and sees a massive amount of snow falling from the sky. "Looks like you got caught in a blizzard, Isabelle. I guess you'll have to stay here overnight.", Lily says. "That's fine! Hear that, baby Rosie? Auntie Isabelle is going to be having a sleepover here!", she says to Rosie, who smiles and giggles. "It's been a long day for the two of us, Rosie and I are gonna head off to sleep.", Lily says. "Oh, do you wanna try out your new crib, little Lily?", Isabelle asks in an oddly maternal tone that Lily never knew she had. Lily, not knowing how to respond to that, simply crawled over to Isabelle and nodded. "Aw, does baby Lily wanna be carried?", Isabelle also asks. Lily nods again, feeling too small to walk upstairs herself. "Okay then.", says Isabelle nervously. "How am I, an average strength 5'1 girl, going to lift this large woman up the stairs?", she thinks to herself. She bends down and tries to lift up the 6'0 tall woman, and does surprisingly easily. "Wow! You may look big and tough, but you're as light as what you look like right now!", Isabelle remarks. She was right; Lily may be 6'0 tall, but she has barely any muscle. She weighs only 120 pounds. So Isabelle carried the oversized baby into the nursery and lays her down in her crib, placing Candy beside her. Isabelle then made a second trip to bring Rosie up. She gently placed Rosie in her crib and placed Muffin beside her. "Okay baby girls, I'm going to be right next door if you need me. Sleep well you two!", Isabelle says, turning off the light in the nursery as she leaves.

Isabelle enters Lily's room, changing out of her work clothes and into the pink bunny two-piece pajamas Lily wore the previous night. She makes sure the baby monitor Lily bought earlier is set up, and she goes to sleep in Lily's bed.

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