Lez go

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Hi yall im back


It's just another day for Ina.

Streaming, Eating, Drawing, Sleeping. 

What could go wrong?

The bedroom door slams open. "HEY, INA!" Gura said with a smirk on her face. "Me and Stinky here came back!" She said. "Yep! Gura and I did a little... something." Ame pulled out something from her coat pocket.

"WAH! What are you guys doing? My door is locked for a reason! You can't just come in here randomly! And... what's that you have in your coat pocket?" Ina looked at them, confused.

"3...2...1... TADA! We got another Ancient one's relic! We went through A LOT to get this for you!" Ame grinned. "Yeah! We- a drop of blood falls from Gura's tail. Ina's eyes widen. "Oh, sh*t..."

"WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOU TWO?! A relic?! Ancient One?! What are you doing to get these! Do you know what that can do?! It's gonna cause mass destruction if you accidentally use that thing!"

"Um..." Gura fiddles with her fingers. "A-Ame can explain this one to you..." Gura hits Ame's back. "OW!" Ame stares at Gura. "Oh- Um- W-well you see..."

"What in the Great Old Ones happened?! Look... I'm sure you guys had the best of intentions, but why would you go through all of this without telling me? Don't you know the kind of effect these things have?!" Ina looked at them sternly.

"We're sorry Ina... We should've told you but we thought you wouldn't go with our ahem p-plan..." Ame sweats nervously.

"Your plan?! What kind of plan?!" She walks towards them, grabbing the object with her tentacles, and Taking it out of Ame's hand.

"S-so... do you know where we got this from?" Gura forces a smile. Ame hits her arm."SHH! Gura! why did you have to say that!" She whispers into the shark girl's ear.

"Where did you get this from? Tell me right now! The Ancient Ones need to know if you've somehow revived one of their greatest enemies. And don't lie to me, or you'll be getting a one-way ticket to the usual room." Ina pulls out her crowbar.

Frick! Not the usual room!  Ame thinks. "W-well we u-um," She stutters. "We... broke into Area 51 for it. Ame closes her eyes, waiting for Ina's reaction.

Ina's eyes narrow. "You two... BROKE INTO AREA 51?! You know that place is meant to keep things in, not let things out, right?! Tell me more. NOW."

Gura shoves Ame away. "So... we're on the FBI's w-wanted list... Can you help hide us, Ina? We also have to stop streaming for a while, even if we were in our disguises-" Gura looks away, nervous.

"Wanted by the FBI. Breaking into Area 51. And now you have a relic of the Ancient Ones in your possession!" Ina looks up at them, still annoyed. "How much trouble have you guys gotten into?"

Ame looks up at Ina. "A...a lot of trouble."

"...Oh no. This is bad, Ame. Very bad. Do you know how many people have lost their sanity due to the things you're doing? Do you have any idea how bad this could get?!"

"Maybe..." Ame looks away. "L-look I can fix this by going back in time you know? Do you w-want me to take it back? 🥺" Ame looks at her.   

"You've... already broken too many laws by stealing that thing. And I'll be keeping this. Don't go back, Ame. You'd only make things worse."

"Trust me, I broke a lot of laws even before this, Ina. C'mon Gura, let's go." Ame pulls Gura's arm. "W-woah! Okay, Ame!" Gura says. Ame pulls out her pocket watch and presses a button. The watch makes a whirring sound as the room turns blue. Then, they disappear.

Ina sighs and shakes her head. "AO-chan, they're lucky I didn't decide to call the SCP on them." She turns away to examine the newfound relic. A dark foreboding sense washes over her. 

"They have no idea what they've just released."

(ONESHOT) Amesame Criminals! Ft. InaWhere stories live. Discover now