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Lixia's Pov-:
Sweat leaaked down my neck I took breaths. "Only half the premises...." I thought to myself and sighed tiredly. Slowly I strolled towards the house and grabbed a refreshing bottle of water. Gulping the entire bottle in one go I took a breathe. Afterwards, as I went back to sweeping, when suddenly I slipped and fell face first onto the floor. "Ouch! That hurt," I hissed in pian. I peeked open and noticed crimson blood ozing out of my right knee rapidly. As I attempted to get up, I crashed back onto the harsh ground. Blood flowed out continuously as it got harder for me to move. Closing my eyes while taking deep breaths trying to ease the pain, I felt a tiny hand tapping my shoulder.
Opening my eyelids, I noticed there were two little mice standing directly infront of me. Confused i stared at them. The shorter mouse then took a cotton ball and and wiped the cut as i hissed in pain as i squeeled my almond brown eyes. The mouse then dressed the wound. Looking at the mouse in shock, the taller mouse broke the awkward silence.
"Hi! My name is Seungmin and thats I.N" He said pointing at the shorter creature.

Seungmin Pov-:
"Ok," the girl replied. I could see that she was amused and confused at the same time. "Whats's your name?" I questioned. As realization hit her she replied instantly, "Lixia," I simled warmly. "Don't u have to continue with cleaning?" I reminded her. "Oh yah!" She replied as reality slapped her in the face. She stood up and picked up the broom and continued cleaning. Alothough during this time we all chatted and talked constantly.


Lixia's Pov-:
I smiled gleefully at the silly jokes these two made and how funny their arguments was. Swear flowed down my face. "Finally finished!" I exclaimed tired. As I strolled back inside, with the two mice on my shoulders it was already night. The night crept over the horizon. Small dots shone brightly in the pitch black, vast sky above. As i entered the two mice hid in my hair as they noticed Li know and her two daughters sitting eating dinner. I bpwed while rolling my eyes clearly pissed and trotted up the staircase.
Both Seungmin and I.N leapt off my shoulders and jumped onto my bed. I took a quick a quick cold shower and put on a white shirt and some pants and headed downstairs. To my surprise, everyone was asleep, or so i thoguht. Suddenly, Han came up to me with a sandwich and placed it in my hands. "I made some dinner for you!" She said smiling joyously. My eyes widened in astonishment. 'WASN'T SHE SUPPOSE TO BE MEAN?" I thought to myself. I took the sandwich from her pale hand. Afterwards, we went upstairs and she met both Seungmin and I.N. Surprisingly, the sandwich tasted like heaven. Around 12 we all went to bed. Suddenly Bang! A loud sound emanated through the empty house.

Word count-512
(Wasn't that motivated so pls dont hate me)
New parts every sunday hopefully!

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