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Norman and Charon were laying outside on the grass looking at the stars. Charon had fallen asleep and Norman began to feel sleepy as well, but he loved to look at the stars too much to sleep at this moment. He didn't get to view the stars much nowadays, so he relished this while he could.  Eventually he fell asleep himself, and slept soundly. He never got good sleep so this was new for him. He dreamt of all the things he loved. His boyfriend, his Minecraft world, the friends he made. All of it. It kind of felt like the end of a storybook. Odd. Norman didn't care all too much this dream was one of the best he had in a while. Normally he only has nightmares, but Charon is always there to help him with those. He loved Charon a lot. He enjoyed this dream and didn't want it to end. He always said everything that had happened for the past three years after his vivisection to be too good to he true, which is a common phrase he heard a lot. He never liked it, if he were to be completely honest. His dream soon came to an end, again, like a story book. He awoke alone, in a completely different place. He began to panic and look around.
"Charon?" He called out for his beloved spider, but no answer. He sat there, panicked. His head hurt as bad as it did when he was hungover, a terrible migraine setting in. He began to cry. He didn't know where he was and was terrified. He felt like everything had been lost. He had this sinking feeling that everything he experienced was all a hallucination, and he was still stuck in his horrid reality he had tried to escape. He felt awful. He started to cry.
"Charon?!" He looked around again. "Charon!!" He yelled out louder this time and heard the fait footsteps of someone coming up behind him. He turned quickly, hoping for it to he Charon. It was not.
"Norman, are you alright??" Imani sounded worried for their friend. Norman looked upset.
"Your not Charon." Norman scooted back a bit and adjusted the glasses he suddenly had on his face to get a better look at the person standing above him.
"Who are you talking about??"
"My boyfriend? Who else? Imani i thought you weren't real why are you here all of the sudden? Where am i??" Norman sounded panicked.
Imani looked confused. "Boyfriend? Since when did you have a boyfriend? Are you okay Norman?"
"No! Im not okay where is Charon??"
"I have no clue who Charon is, Normie. C'mon get up-" imani helped Norman to his feet. He felt where his scars would be but felt nothing there. He panicked more. "-and lets go inside before you catch a cold. Its pouring out here." Imani and Norman walked inside together. Imani got Norman a towel and sat him down at the cluttered coffee table of their shared apartment.
"Tell me what the hell happened and why you were sleeping in the rain."
Norman stared at imani for a moment, collecting his thoughts.
"I was sleeping outside with Charon-"
"Stop. Who the hell is Charon?"
"I told you. He's my boyfriend. I met him in heaven."
"Dude, you've been drinking and getting high non-stop for the past month. Did you hallucinate dying or something?"
"..no. He kissed me and poisoned me and then took me to heaven. I didnt die."
"Thats weird. Continue."
"Anyways, me and Charon were sleeping outside and then i woke up here again. I wanna know where Charon is. Im scared."
"You need to see a psychiatrist Norman. You've been doing this for a year now." Imani took a sip of their coffee and looked at the dirty kitchen they were sitting in.
"I know." Norman looked away and messed with his hands. "Their gonna think im crazy imani but i know what happened. I know i went to heaven."
"Dude. You are crazy."
Norman teared up again. He looked around. "Im not crazy."
"Whatever man. You still need help though Norman."
"I don't need help i need my boyfriend back." He tried not to cry.
"You need therapy." Imani got up. "Im gonna ho and clean the living room again. That last party fucked up the apartment."
"Okay. Im.. gonna go to my room and play Minecraft." Norman got up and left the room while imani began cleaning the living room. He sat on his bed and sobbed into a pillow. It wasn't real. It was never real.
"It was too good to be true.."

𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮. (𝚊 𝚌𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚗 𝚡 𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔)Where stories live. Discover now