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Minho looked around the box-filled room with slightly sentimental eyes — if he hadn't moved into the cramped apartment, he wouldn't have met Jisung. He glanced over at the brunette boy laying on the bed, scrolling through his phone meticulously as he replied to messages and such. Minho plopped beside him, sighing loudly and heavily as he threw his leg over Jisung's waist.

"Let's bake something before we start carrying the boxes upstairs," Minho suggested, gently running a hand through Jisung's hair. "Hanni will be arriving with her friends after school to help carry stuff, so best we make something for them as a gift, hm?"

"I'm not good in the kitchen," Jisung muttered as he put his phone down. "I'll be your assistant."

"Assistant Han," Minho chuckled as Jisung snuggled into his side. "If you don't want to be part of the baking process, will you be part of the cleaning process?"

"Deal." Minho pressed a gentle kiss to Jisung's forehead, sitting up from the bed to go to the kitchen. "I haven't packed most of my stuff yet, but we can get your stuff upstairs first and then get my stuff — my move-out date is later than yours, in any case."

"Baking stream?"

"Can I...?"

Minho tugged Jisung up from the bed, despite his numerous noises of complaint. He pulled the other into his chest, resting a hand on his waist. Jisung stared into the other's eyes before quickly averting them, a clear and soft blush spreading on his cheeks. Minho smiled slightly, using his hand to turn Jisung's face to his again.


"Are you still uncomfortable in our relationship, Jisung?" Minho asked softly, to which Jisung finally met his eyes. "Maybe it's because I don't kiss you enough."

Minho tilted his head, gently pressing their lips together in a soft kiss. Jisung squeezed his eyes shut as he forced himself to relax, tilting his head as well to match Minho's effort. After sharing their warmth, Jisung was first to pull away. "H—"

"Shh. Let it happen."

Minho pressed their lips together once more, their heat becoming more apparent as the once soft kiss became more heated and heavy. Minho's phone began ringing and he sighed against Jisung's lips as he reached over to a nearby box to pick it up.


"Minho! The security guard won't let me up! Can you come fetch me?"

"Give me a moment."

"What's so important that I have to wait?"

"Jisung and I are... baking biscuits."

"Baking what? Oppa—"

"Call back in half an hour, bye!"

"Half an h— Mi—!"

Minho quickly up, putting his phone on silent and placing it on the box. "Where were we?"

"Baking biscuits?" Jisung asked with a frown as Minho pulled him by his waist. "Do you have a plan for what we're about to do?"

"Depends on the permission you give me," Minho muttered, head titled as he placed a soft kiss to Jisung's lips. "Don't tell your therapist what happens in bed, okay?"


"Just relax and go with the flow, Jisung."

Hanni huffed in anger as her call continued to be ignored by Minho. She put her phone off, crossing her arms as she stared up at the building. "How annoying..."

"Were you locked out?"

Hanni glanced to her side, almost holding her breath at the sight of the girl beside her. She was taller than Hanni, pretty glossed lips to compliment her winged eyeliner and glittery eyeshadow. Her hair was short, whisping against her shoulders slightly. Hanni quickly looked away, clearing her throat as she shook her head. "N-no, it's just... someone I know lives here, a-and..."

"Which floor? We can head up together," the girl smiled. "I'm Yoo Haryeon. What's your name?"

"H-Hanni Pham."

"Hm. Not Korean?"

"I'm from Australia, but I'm Vietnamese," Hanni answered with a slight laugh. "I moved here quite a few years ago, and the guy upstairs is something like my Korean older brother."

"Hm. What's his name? Maybe I know him?" the girl asked as she pointed her head at the security gate. The guard nodded his head at the two girls as they passed. "My family and I have lived in this apartment for almost 2 years. We're even close with Soojin unnie."

"... I don't know who that is..."

Haryeon laughed slightly. "That's okay." Hanni stopped at the entrance as she got a message on her phone. "Is something wrong?"

"Minho oppa told me not to come up yet because he's not at home... jeez, he and his silly little boyfriend annoy me so much...!"

"He has a boyfriend?"

"Well, they should date but they don't want to!" Hanni exclaimed suddenly. "But they're not important. I can't go up right now, so I'm stuck downstairs."

The girl hummed slightly as she looked around. "Well, I like making new friends, and my mum says I'm a pathetic extrovert. I like you, so I'm going to be your friend."

"... h-huh?" Hanni could barely look at the girl — she was stunned by how pretty Haryeon was. "Your friend? I'm just here to meet up with Min—"

"Excuses, excuses," the girl giggled. "Imagine I had such a pretty friend like you? Besides, I don't have friends from other schools."

"Pretty? Psh, what are you talking about? You're—" Hanni paused for a moment, and Haryeon waited patiently for her to continue. "I-I'd love to be friends with you, Haryeon. It's just... my friends will make fun of me for talking to girls..."

"Mine would too, because every time I hang out with a pretty girl, they tease me," Haryeon chuckled. The elevator doors opened and she stepped in. "You can wait at my house until this... Korean older brother of yours decides to come home again."

"Th-thank you," Hanni smiled, bowing her head slightly before stepping into the elevator. "No one has ever stepped up to me so confidently before... kind of feels weird, haha..."

"You caught my eye because you're so pretty," Haryeon smiled. "So what do you do in your spare time? Do you visit here often?"

"Well, Minho's boyfriend turned me into a game nerd..."

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