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That was the sound of Korosensei sadly hitting the wall.

"What's  Korosensei been doing all his time?"
"like, punching a wall?"
"Karma's smack-talking must have made him mad."

"Ugh— ENOUGH! Quit with the squish-squish! We're trying to take a quiz here!" Hinata Okano exclaimed. "P-pardon me!" Said a frantic Korosensei.

Karma smirks at this and turns to Y/n, who's sitting right next to him. "Look what you did karma" Y/n was slowly getting annoyed with the sloshing sounds. "Hey, I'm here to kill that octopus. I put it on my bucket list yesterday." Karma replied. He then leaned back in his chair, enjoying the disappointment he inflicted on the octopus.

"Hey, Karma, you sure about this? That monster looks pissed."
"This is all on you, man!"
"Sure you're not better off holin' up at home"

Ryoma Terasaka and his gang were picking at the redhead. "You'd be pissed too, Terasaka, if someone started to kill you. Not like when a certain someone screwed up and wet himself," Karma retorted. "I did not wet myself! You cruisin' for a bruisin' pal?!" said an angry Terasaka. "You, No loud noises during a test!" Said the hypocrite Korosensei. "Sorry, Koro Sensei. I've already finished. I'll just sit here quietly eating my gelato." Karma said smoothly as he suddenly pulled out a pink gelato. Y/n snickered, the duo had gotten that from the staff room; knowing that it would surely anger the octopus... and they were right. They discover that the victim had gotten it from Italy.

"Whaddya going to do about it?" Karma taunted as he licked the dessert. Turns out, Y/n had 'spilled' anti-koro bb's while the whole gelato interaction was happening. I don't even think god knows where she gets them. Karma then pulls out a koro gun and attempted to shoot Korosensei, who was dodging the shots.

"Gotcha! I'll keep using the same old tricks, even if it interferes with class. If you don't like it, kill me or anyone else here. But the second you do... no one sees you as a teacher anymore, instead you'll be seen as a murderous monster. You, will be killed by me." Karma's so called speech just so happened to leave out Y/n's credit. The girl did not appreciate that, but she decided to let him have his moment; potentially scheming on payback. He owed her anyway for the extra info on the octopus. Karma tosses his test towards the teacher and says, "See ya, Teach. Let's play some more tomorrow!" He walks out the door and leaves.

If only he knew what the yellow teach had in plan for him the next day.
It was now the end of the school day, Nagisa waved bye to Sugino. Suddenly, two meatheaded looking students spot Nagisa. "Hey, look! It's Nagisa!" The snake looking one said. "Right at home down in E-Class." The other student added. The two were talking rather loudly, "Barf. He'l never make it back to our class like that" "Plus, Akabane's back in E-Class now that his suspension was over!" As if on cue, a bottle shatter was heard near the two gossipers. There he was, Karma Akabane. He smashed the bottle on the pole behind the gossipers. He stands there slyly, in the distance you can see another student trailing behind him, Y/n.

"Really? You'd rather die? Like... now?"

The two students run away, started by his presence as Karma chuckles. Y/n catches up and walks besides karma, heading towards Nagisa. The girl is about to speak, but of course Karma's monologue has to come first. "With such great toys to play with, who wants another suspension? Nagisa, there's something I wanted to ask you."

"I understand you know a few things about Korosensei, Does he get mad if you call him an octopus?"
"I don't think he minds, he usually picks octopus personas in self drawings and games anyways. I think it's his trademark."

"I think I have an idea"

'Oh no,' Nagisa and Y/n think. "What are you planning, Karma?" Nagisa asks. "Oh nothing, I'm just happy." Karma says. Karma walks fowards and turns around just as a train passes by, creating quite a scary(?) scene. "Just wondering what I'd do if he was just some monster, but turns out he's an actual teacher. And if I get to kill an actual teacher..." Karma pauses, "Well I'll be damned."

Karma soon starts to walk home along with Y/n, but not before Y/n saying bye to Nagisa. Soon, the duo enter Karma's house.
"So... darling, would ya mind helping me out?"
"I am not touching that thing Karma!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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