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Hey writer here! I just wanted to say sorry for taking forever to make this, I've just been going through something  plus I've had like 13 mental break downs and its only Friday, so yea but I will try my best to get other parts released next week because next week is summer break. That's it, love you all

Me and Chris just ended up taking about how it happened and random stuff until Matt and Nick got home. They came up to Chris's room and just opened the door no knock or anything Matt just sat down on Chris's chair and Nick just fell on Chris's bed

"I hate school, I can't wait to graduate" Nick says laying on the bed

"Yeah, Kay is lucky she gets 4 weeks of from school because she just got a cut" Matt responding to Nick

"Um I'll be right back" I say as soon as Matt says that

"Where are you going" Chris asks

"To the bathroom... can I not pee?" I say trying not to seem rushed

"No you can, and you don't need to be quite now" He says

"Okay"  I say as I walk out and run to the bathroom

I start to have a panic attack 'because she just got a cut' JUST A CUT?! NO IT ISN'T! I slide down the wall to the floor crying and hyperventilating, I take out my phone to text Wy                                   (Harry Potter= Wyatt) 

You: Wy can you please come pick me up I really need to be with you right now

Harry Potter: Yea just give me a few minutes and I'll be there just breathe K okay?

You: Okay thank you Wy

Harry Potter: Your welcome <3

I stand up wipe my tears, take a peace of toilet paper and get it wet with warm water dab the red places on my face with it and then I got a new peace of toilet paper that's dry and wipe away the water then I got some water in my hands and drank it and wiped away the water on my face waited a few seconds and I look and sound like I wasn't crying (this actually works btw at least for me)

I walk out of the bathroom and go back to Chris's room and say "Wyatt is on her way to pick me up we have something to do with our mom"

"I could have brought you home" Matt says

"I would have asked but my dad is home and he would be mad to see that a boy was dropping me off at home" I say

"But you're 17? You can't be seen with boys?" Nick says

"Nope my dad is super strict about that" I say

"But we were just at your house yesterday" Nick says

"My dad isn't home on Wednesday's" I say trying not to make it sound like I'm lying

"You sound like your ly-" Nick says but gets cut off

"Nick drop it she clearly doesn't want to talk about it" Matt says

"Okay Mr. Serious pants" Nick responds

*you get a text notification*

I check my phone and it was Wyatt saying shes here 

"Wyatt is here, bye and thanks for letting me stay here today" I say

"Your welcome and bye" Matt and Nick say

"Bye Galm" Chris says

I walk out and hop in the car and hug Wyatt and start crying and pull away from the hug to tell her what happened today and yesterday night as she starts to pull out of their driveway

Hey little note before I end this, sorry if you saw the message saying this will be out before last weekend but I found a spider before I started writing so I left my room for two days then on Monday I had to clean my room and it was a mess. Also theyluvvcelesteeee the part you asked for will be next chapter srry that I didn't make it this chapter. Thats it hope you enjoyed this part 

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