Mean Girl

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Dean's Age: 19

Sam's Age: 15

Lizzy's Age:13

Jordan's Age:13

When we got to the motel it was about 9pm and Dean said ''Okay guys,go to sleep you all have school tomorrow'' Me and Jordan looked at each other and we each grabbed one of Dean's legs and said ''PLEASE DEAN!PLEAAAAASE!!'' but Dean just walked as he said ''Both of you, MOVE YOUR ASSES'' After a huge hissy fit Jordan and I got tired so we just let go of Dean's legs and went to bed ''Night dorks'' said Dean ''Night'' we said.

The next day we all got ready for school,we had breakfast and when we were all ready Sam said ''C'mon guys! Im leaving!'' But unfortunately Dean found out our plan and said ''Move it,move it'' then slammed the door on our faces .Jordan and I had the miserable face on and when Sam saw us he just gave us the famous Winchester smirk.Jo almost slapped the hell out of Sam but as the ''nice'' twin I stopped her. When we got to school Sam quickly left but we had NO clue of where to go!

Suddenly I see Jo walking to a classroom with a girl and my thoughts were just ''Gee! Thanks for leaving me on our first day Jordan!'' But she made a friend and well Im happy for her..... Plus we promised each other that if one of us made a friend we would hang out with our sister too. It was lunchtime and Dean had only packed us some Lucky Charms, I love Lucky Charms but I had to survive another 3 hours in school. I grabbed a crumpled up 5 dollar bill and went to see what they had for lunch, it all looked terrible so I just settled for the crappy pizza. While I walked I was paying no attention to my path I was just trying to avoid people around me, when suddenly I bumped into a someone.His name was Noah and it was actually pretty awesome that he didn't even know me and he invited me to sit with him!I couldn't believe where I was I was on a table!When we got to the table Noah said ''Are you new here?'' I smiled and said ''Is it that obvious?'' He just looked at me and said ''Hey could you please look at me when you talk?'' ''Why?'' I asked ''Im deaf, so I need to read your lips to know what you're saying'' I looked up and said ''Oh sorry I had no idea....'' ''It's fine!'' he said then smiled. We had a huge conversation about a lot of things he wanted to know stuff about me,of course he couldn't now about the family business.But he could know about my awesome brothers and my twin sister who I overheard was having a sleepover on Friday.(don't know how she's going to convince Dean about THAT)After a while the bell rang and I asked Noah if he knew where P.E was,he took me to the field and then said bye since he wasn't in that class. Later in the day I was walking towards the next class and I saw Noah and I went up to him and said "Hey" we talked for about a minute when we bumped into Jordan and her friend I said "Oh hey Jo how's everything going?"
But Jo didn't answer her FRIEND did"Wait you know her?"
"Yeah we're sisters, well twins" I said
Noah just kept quiet he felt awkward around popular people.
Jo's friend Sara was shocked since Jo was so "cool" and to her I was a total dork. After like 2 minutes of silence Sara said "So you're related?"
Jordan and I spoke at the same time and she said "No!" But I said "Yes!" Sara was confused and then it was backwards I said "No" while Jo said "Yes".Sara was confused and she said "Well I'm gonna leave now, Jo you coming?"
I felt super weird I had just seen someone else call MY sister "Jo" and I had also seen my sister say "Totes" while flicking her hair! Not to be over dramatic but Em was kinda our twin thing I called her Jo or Jo-jo and she called me Licorice,I mean she also called me Liz and Lizzie but it wasn't a twin thing because Sam and Dean call me Lizzie and Liz all the time but neither of them ever called me Licorice and they also NEVER called Jordan Jo because they knew it was our twin thing. It felt weird because that was MY nickname for her.I was angry the rest of the day. When Sam came to pick us up I tried to act happy but really I wasn't. Jordan talked about her awesome day and I talked about how awesome the first 3 hours of my day were until my day got ruined.
I told Jo what happened at school and we had a huge fight. She stormed into our room and I went into Dean's room. I came in crying and Dean said
"What's wrong Lizzie?"
I wiped my eyes a little and said "Jo and I had a fight"
"Why did you guys fight?"
"I got mad at her friend at school because she called her Jo"
"Oh wow"
I nodded and then proceeded to cry in Dean's arms.
"It's ok kid, Jo will forgive you"
"Yeah but she was pretty mean too"
"I'll make her say sorry to you"
I hugged my older brother and said "Thank you Dean"
"Well its my job"
After a few minutes of hugging Dean nonstop the door knocked and Sam and Jo were outside. Sam said
"Hey Liz there's someone here that wants to talk to you"
Jo came in and said "Lizzie I'm so sorry"
"I'm really sorry too Jordan "
We hugged then we went into our room for bed. (Well we actually stole the Lucky Charms box from the kitchen and we are gonna snack on cereal and talk about boys or something)

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